Who's In? Online Gambling?



This will be tough for RUGSTER & never_catch if it passes?

Heard on the News they are trying to pass Real Online Gambling where Real Money is Bet!

Please report your Fortunes RUGSTER & Z when this goes through!

I'll bet somewhere somehow it's already been taking place?

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
And a good BBQ!
I am Medicine And I am Poison!
Online poker is pretty rough compared to a live game but living in the valley of no casinos makes it about the only option most of the time. They've been trying to change online gambling laws for years now but I guess we'll see if anything ever happens with it in time?? There are already some poker sites that won't let US players play...

Hey Z!

Do they ban/block you when you tell them you're from Mormonville?

Just Remember Z!

That could be Tithing Money!:D

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
And a good BBQ!
I am Medicine And I am Poison!
LAST EDITED ON Dec-20-10 AT 07:05AM (MST)[p]I haven't been blocked yet...hell they probably figure as long as they can keep screwing me out of money on two outers, they might as well let me stay lmao!!

Tithing...what's that?? :p

I signed up once on Poker Stars(?). They gave you 1000 chips to start out with. I played for awhile but got frustrated with the slow play. Too many morons. When I finally gave up I had about 11,000 chips.

I wouldn't trust playing with real money on a computer. No way.

The closest i ever came to sending $$ away was in the middle of last years baseball season. On Line betting had the SF Giants at 25-1 to win the National league Championship. Had i sent in the $50. that i mulled over as a great bet even though they were 6 games behind in their own division at the time, would have been a nice little hit of $1250.

For the most part, i think on-line or casino betting is for chumps and almost impossible to come out ahead in the long run. I do enjoy going to Reno once in a great while and have some fun but it's never with money that i "don't have" or figure to ever see again.

Now, going Buck hunting, that's a different story, i'll finance that if i have to but i'm going hunting :)

Online gambling? Hell I do it every day. Its a gamble every time I visit the MM Campfire on my work computer. Plus every email from JB, kilo or Bess contains a link that is pretty risky.


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