
Just wondering who is in charge of setting elk depridation permits in utah. I am sick of seeing guys with 5 acres, that the elk don't even get into getting tags. They have been chasing them with trucks and wheelers for the last couple of weeks, to get them on there small peice of land to shoot them. Shouldn't this be illigal? The game warden said they are just gently pushing them. I guess gently means through wire, with trucks and a rhino. We got it documented is there anything we can do? Oh and his words exactly "Just because you don't like hunting, dosen't mean other don't." All I could say was wow. We love hunting just not running them down and opening fire. Sorry to vent just a little pissed!!! By the way this is just south of Hyrum, Utah.
rpleish, are you sure that you're not longshooter by another name??

Jokes aside, have at them!! Hope you are able to get something done about this!!

Wow thats his definition of hunting. Chasing em down with a Rhino or 4X4 just sounds like a slaughter to me. That has wildlife harrassment written all over it, and by utah DWR law it is clearly stated you cant do that its in the proclamation bigger than $#!*.
I know but the game warden didn't want to bother with it. he was almost annoyed that he was called. They pushed the elk right through a barbed wire fence then opened fire for crap sake . Joey I hear ya, Please don't put me in with the crazy's!
If you have it documented, I would go up the ladder to a Supervisor in the main G&F Office and press the issue as that Warden should be fired for not doing anything about it and making those kind of comments!!!

I've tried contacting the game warden here in town several times, and never have gotten a response. Saw him not give several guys tickets over a buck killed on a local golf course that should have gotten tickets. Not real impressed with him. I'm betting it's the same guy.
A video camera works great for documenting this kind of thing. They will react if they know it is on camera.
What do you guys have going on out there. I have always received a very favorable response on violations from game wardens. I have reported poachers in both Nebraska and Wyoming. In both states I got a letter thanking me for helping them with the case. I never had any video either I did have to sign a afadavit in both cases but that was it.
+1 deerlove....the cow "hunt" on deseret is a joke...radios and every truck and "guide" running the elk to each other for hours....took my wife up a few years ago and it was not a "fair chase" hunt in any aspect....funny thing the DWR did not care one bit, just laughed and said it was out of there hands when i brought it up to them.
No offense guys but Deseret must be doing something right by the herd and management of it. They have a sustainable healthy population. They set and manage their own herd, so when they give a cow tag they want the animal taken from the herd.

If you don't enjoy the style of hnting then go elsewhere to hunt. By using "guides" they are trying to ensure that the animals are taken, end of story.

As far as general depredation tags, what the original post was about is a down right shame! You should not get a tag just cause you have 5 acres of gound in the migration area.
WOW, is right. My guess is that you do not really know what you are talking about. Do you really know that happened? It is my guess that you heard about all this through rumor mill and were not even present during these times. I am guessing that you are making this up to get attention. You are not realizing that the game wardens deal with many calls in his or her area and serves each of us to thier fullest extent. You can at least check your facts before hiding behind a fictious name and passing judgement.
We are all impressed that you can read a proclamation. We are even more impressed with the way you show your ability to communicate with the disguised profanity at the end. Thanks for representing us so well here on the forum.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-03-11 AT 09:08AM (MST)[p]Great first two posts there dude, LOL! And what is this "WE" chit? Don't include any of the rest of us in your BS posts because it looks like you're only talking for yourself on this one!!! PS: Incidentally, I think the word you are struggling for is "fictitious" and aren't you doing the same thing against him in your posts!!!

To me it's a real shame that another poster on this thread thinks that chasing down animals with vehicles is a proper way or form of hunting! Why would anybody need a guide for that form of massacre?
The depredation hunt was managed as well as possible under the circumstances by the DWR. there were no 4 wheelers or trucks chasing the elk, harassing, or herding them onto land ownerships to shoot them, no poaching and no trading of permits. The only persuit was on foot. The hunters were very careful of their line of fire. There was one neighbor complaining who didn't have a clue as to the situation and he persisted because he may have been jealous in not being invited to have a permit for his 2 acres. The smallest acreage having a permit was 10 acres because it was in the middle of the over 1000 acre hunting unit where extensive damage had already occurred.
The farmers in the area work hard for there living and cant afford the fence and hay damage that the elk are creating.

The problem could easily be solved by setting up several different feed stations up some of the canyons in the south cache area. If the DWR wants to make money off of the permits in Utah they need to take the responsiblity of the elk and feed them in the winter and keep them out of the farmers fields otherwise we will have no choice but to keep getting depredation permits and driving them from our land.
It appears your first post on this BB is calling the person who started this thread about chasing elk with vehicles a liar!!! However, from the way you worded your last comments it sounds like just maybe that he was correct because it sounds like you have a vested interest with land there and you even used the words "driving them from our land"!!!
If the proper authorities don't respond, take it to the media. Show them the violation and tell them that the authorities aren't acting on your complaint.


I hunt. I fish. I VOTE.

Get the F out of SFW
Yeah thats what happens when you hunt ya know when things go boom animals run (are driven) from the place where they are to another place.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-10-11 AT 08:56AM (MST)[p]That's weird because I watched the herding with my own eyes!!! The higher ups at the dwr also agreed with us so I guess we will see. Oh and by the way if you call shooting animals from main roads hunting that's sad!
My advice would be to post the video on Youtube, send an article to the paper, and post up everything you have for proof on Monstermuleys.com

Without proof of this, this post is worthless. Start causing a stir, and something will be done. As long as you sit here and accuse people of something with no proof, nothing will be done.

Same crap with Mossback. Everyone whines and cries, but nobody provides proof
There is no need to apologize for being forthright when you see what appears to be game law violations taking place! Seeing them and not reporting them in an attempt to stop them is what will ruin our sport. We all need to be vigilant and not only help our G&F people to nail the violators, but I also feel it is up to us to absolutely insist that something is done when you have valid proof that a violation has taken place. As I stated before, if that Warden scoffed at you when you told him what was taking place and made those comments, he should be out the friggin door and looking for another job rather than wasting our taxpayer money!!! I hope you continue to press the issue if you have the proof to back you up!!! As for the two negative comments made by this new BB poster towards your thread, if he was one of those violators, I hope he gets nailed along with the rest!!!
talk about hiding behind a name Burgess aka idealwda you're a game warden how about doing something?
LAST EDITED ON Feb-10-11 AT 10:06PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Feb-10-11 AT 10:06?PM (MST)

idealwda seems like you know alot about the situation maybe you were involved?
LAST EDITED ON Feb-17-11 AT 11:03AM (MST)[p]So where you able to get this issue resolved once you involved higher ups from the DWR?

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