Who's hunting desert sheep?


Long Time Member
How many of you fellow sheep-whores have a hunt lined up, either for yourself (lucky bastages), a friend or for pay (god forbid!)?

I have a couple of hunts with friends lined up if I can swing the time away.
I live in Vegas and go look at sheep all the time within 20 minutes of my house. Love the desert sheep, wish I had a permit, have 9 bonus points. Wish I was going, only hope is to get lucky in the next 10 years and draw a tag.
RE: mmm

My friend's son has a Nevada desert tag in the next couple weeks. My oldest son will be tagging along as a designated glasser, and hopefully pack goat!
Leaving Tuesday night to get a few extra days of scouting before the Opener. Tough to sleep at night! Dave, anyway we can touch bases in the next week? Your probly looking at "my" sheep. California's have been rutting hard the last couple weeks in the north. Deserts were still going at it when I was down there in Mid-October.
Good luck to you, I probably have seen your sheep, I have seen a couple I think will go 160 ish. Lucky you to have a tag. let me know how you do, best of luck
I am heading down on Thursday I can't wait. I have three weeks to hunt I hope I get a nice one. I will be hunting unit 252. Anyone have any info about the area. I been down there a few times this year didn't see much but it looks like good sheep country.
nvnative79, best of luck to you and Honker. Wish I was going with you to 252. Or maybe I wish you were going with me and I had the tag. :) As I've told before, that's a great tag. Haven't been down there since '02 and I'm having Stonewall withdrawals.

Be patient and cover the ground. The potential is there for a great ram. It's certainly been done before.
Thanks NVBighorn. I have all three weeks off, I guess this hunt will teach me to be more patient. Thanks if the info you gave me earlier this year it will help me out alot.
NVBighorn, How did your hunts go this tear did you get anything? I have a question for you, where did you camp when you were down at stonewall? I looked around when I was down there, the best place I saw was right off the highway on the road to stonewall spring there was a gravel pit off the road. I was just wondering if you knew of a better spot. Thanks
I shot an antelope. Nothing very big. No deer. Got sick and was too busy during the muzz season to really do it justice. Pisses me off a bit.

Check your inbox for some places to camp. :)

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