Whos hopping to draw a Colo Moose tag



Hey everyone. Moose draw should be out in a few days. Who all put in and has a chance to draw? I only have 1 weighted point but I'm hopeful. Bull in Unit 18. I have seen lots of moose up there. Second choice is a cow in 28 which would be a easy meat hunt. Talk about a lot of meat. Jovan
I would love to draw as a friend picked up a moose shed this January of a bull that could be a new world record(!!!) but I only have 3 regular preference points. Maybe I'll post pictures of the antler with my friends permission.
Yeah post the picture and let us know a where abouts it was found. I might wait to post until after you have drawn or not but it would be great to have a record come out of Colorado. They just started the re-introduction of moose back in 1978' and if the managment has already produced a trophy that would be a great success. Jovan
LAST EDITED ON May-15-06 AT 00:29AM (MST)[p]Here it is

Here are some of my amatuer yet CONSERVATIVE measurments:
Spread 57"
points 16-4=12 scoreable
width of palm 13"
length 39"
Circumference 8"
= 72 x 2 = 144 + 57 = 201
That score would make it a new state record (barring major deductions) but with a person having lots of experience scoring moose I believe it could go 217+
I do realize we only have one side of this bull but for the sake of excitement and assumption I multiplied 72 twice and the spread of the bull is hard but I measured from base of antler to the widest point multiplied by 2 and added 5 inches giving me 57". A couple of the points that are broke are broke where they could give this bull more than a 60" spread (if intact- even on the other side)
This shed was picked up Jan. 19th this year.
Please feel free to give me some advice on scoring etc. (I didnt know what or where the 'bay' was till a month ago!)
Great brow tines and everything. With all points in good shape that one would score great. Would love to know where that one came from. Jovan
sorry it is not in the unit you applied for. I have a friend that has 3 points + 3 or 4 weighted and applied for the unit, I hope he draws!

If he does draw hopefully we can help him out. I was the guy who found the antler and yeah it's pretty big and the other side is actually bigger. It was found in near an area known for it's moose (and elk, and other stuff). I don't want to give much away as I dont want the area bogged down with hunters or poachers and shed hunters whenever the time comes around. If I could find the match I'd be a happy man.

Well I only have 1 weighted point so I dought I will be lucky enought to draw this year. All I was looking for was a place to apply next year maybe. Anyway the wife would be pissed if I did get a tag because she already has plans with the refunds. I got the sheep and goat refund and she wont even let me look at it. Well draw should be out tomorrow, so good luck to all. Jovan
Look at you Joe! on mm! Welcome!
I may start a post in the general hunting forum to show this baby off! Dont worry ....it was found in northern Colorado....will be my response.

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