WHOOPS!! Now I will never hear the end of it!


Long Time Member
So we were loading everyone up to go get bricks from a friends farm to build a fire pit in my backyard for drinkin beer and I put my gsp and my wifes 5 month old mini schnauzer in the back of my truck. My wife came out and said she is too small to ride in the back and she will jump out. I said she isnt too small and if she jumps out she will only do it once and theres road construction most the way so we will only be going 40 at the most. Well she is doing good all the way having fun barking at construction workers and we get on the other side of the construction and theres about 5 miles of 60mph before the farm. I figured she was going good so I was going 60, a cat ran across the road and she seen it and took a plunge out of the back. Well my truck has a 6 inch lift and I'm going 60 so she rolls end over end for a good 60 ft. When she stops she isnt moving, oh &^%$.... I get the truck shut down and start backing up, she get up and starts stumbling around in circles shaken but seems to be ok. Well the ass chewing started... Then the silent treatment for the rest of the day other than the occasional ass chewing... I'm in the backyard having my older son help me with the fire pit, my wife is still inside madder than hell at me. I go inside to get a drink of water and her dog is laying by the door at the top of the stairs, I open the door and knock her down the stairs to my wifes feet.... It started again.... By now she is running around the backyard chasing the cat and playing with my dog acting just fine! I'm still getting the silent treatment and have a feeling she will be sleeping in my spot in my bed tonight and I will be in the dog house.... Oh what a day....

You find out who your friends are when you see who shows up to help pack your bull out!

I'll bet you a gazillion dirt clods that pup will never jump out of your truck again.

lol.. The silence is broken by occasional ass chewings...

You find out who your friends are when you see who shows up to help pack your bull out!

Next time put the dog in the cab while she rides in the back...


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
That is almost as bad as leaving your wife at a gas station.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Lmao tag. I sent that picture to my wife, she still doesn't think its funny.

I can't decide which one is worse.. Gas station or the dog.. Maybe I will try the gas station thing and let you know how it goes.

You find out who your friends are when you see who shows up to help pack your bull out!

LAST EDITED ON May-30-10 AT 06:30PM (MST)[p]could be worse my cousin was raising husky puppies for a while, he had just paid more then most pay for a gun on one he kept jumping out the truck so my cousin decides to chain him to the truck....well he made his last jump and my cousin didnt see him for about an hour and he hung himself poor dog...maybe this will help you sleep at night...made me think of another thing too, my dad used to raise springers some people came and bought a puppy it proceded to run out in the street and get hit by a car and died...so they had to buy another one.


has anyone seen my kittie
The husky story reminds me of one. We were on the paunsagunt patroling during thanksgiving and had my father in laws brittany tied in the back cause she kept jumping out. We came around a point and seen some people on the hill gutting a big ol buck and so we went speeding up there and they were pointing at us yelling your dog! Your dog! Well we caught her in time she was ok and they got caught poaching. Very interesting trip to say the least!

Got one similar but more funny than serious.

We have a queensland mix and for some reason she doesn't like people on bikes. We were leaving our house in the summer time and I had the back window of my 4runner down so she could stick her head out. Going about 30 we round a corner and there is a person riding a bike. Didn't think anything of it because we've driven by bikers before without any problems. Well just as I pass him I catch a glimpse of something out of the corner of my eye in my passenger mirror. I'm still driving and look in my rear view and see my dog running down the road back towards home!

Pretty sure she ran up to the window to bark but ended up going to far and fell out of the car. She got run over by the bike too, but wasn't hurt, only a little road rash. The funniest thing is she immediately was on her feet headed for home like nothing happened.

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