whoo hoo


Very Active Member
LAST EDITED ON May-23-08 AT 07:38AM (MST)[p]Finally after 4 years of undergrad, and 4 years of vet school, my wife graduated with a DVM last Friday from Colorado State. Its been a long wait, she's been wanting to be a vet since she was 5 years old. Its awesome. I don't think the reality has hit her yet that she now can be called Dr. Plus now I get to retire.

Now I can retire and go hunting :)

Sorry, I just had to brag about it!

It's Bush's fault!!!
Congrats to her, thats one of the best vet school in the nation. hopefully that leads to more hunting for you
Nice, my wife started pre-vet last fall, but I think she is changeing to Nurse anesthetist instead. Like you, I hope to retire and run bird dogs full time in about 5 years! Enjoy your couch!
Congrats to your wife! I went to Occupational Therapy School at CSU. Had some friends in Vet School. I know it was a ton of work. Good luck. What area do you plan on living?
We are going back to AZ in 2 weeks. She has a job in Chino Valley, which is just outside Prescott.

It's Bush's fault!!!
LAST EDITED ON May-23-08 AT 10:16AM (MST)[p]Congrats on the degree, the job, and the move. Prescott is a great place from what I here.

Let us know how that retirement plan works out for ya.


I use a vet often since I have cattle and horses. I have great respect for them. Their patient does not speak and tell them where they hurt the Vet has to figure that out themselves. My son was always going to be a Vet but changed his mind and will now enter Dental School at USC this fall.

Good luck to both of you.
Congrats to your wife, super great accomplishment. No doubt your support was a major reason for her success.

from the "Heartland of Wyoming"
sremim, I have this cat that is kind of lethargic and won't eat much. Could you ask your wife........j/k! I hope she enjoys her new job!

Great for you and congrats to her!

I know after my Mrs got her second Masters I didn't have to work two jobs to help pay for it.

Having some breathing $$ room is nice now.



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