Who went dedicated this year?


Long Time Member
Who all put in for dedicated hunter this year? I did because of all the talk about cutting the season and to rifle hunt with the family.

Never have tried muzz though. Should be fun if I draw out for it. Cross my fingers.

Not me, last year was my last year. Seems that they can change the rules after you sign up. When I signed up archery was state wide, last year it wasn't. I know this year is state wide, but what about next year, maybe no muzzleloader? Plus 40 hours the can have it.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-23-10 AT 05:47PM (MST)[p]I don't think you're gonna have any problem "drawing out"! My guess is people are dropping from the Dedicated Hunter Program like flies. Used to be your tags for all three years were included in the fee, but not any more, and 40 hours service is beyond a joke! Wait until you see what a cluster #$@! some of their work projects are!

This is the last of my three years and they can KMA after it's over with!...
I chatted with them at the DWR after I took the course/test.

I will loose my 8 Gen deer points.

Screw that gig! ha

Well hope you know what you got yourself into! The DWR keeps drawing more and more blood from the dedicated hunters. Requirements have gone up and the deer herd has gone down. Three hunts is not worth it by any means. Figure out the what that permit is really costing you and I would dare bet you could by an out of state tag, have a great hunt come home with gas money and a wall hanger! If I could I would give you my tag.
I put myself and my youngest son in, I was disappointed last year when he didn't draw a deer permit. 40 hrs is alot but will just consider it more time to spend and teach my son about the outdoors. I have been in since the start and have had pretty much positive experences with the program.
I decided not to put in again this year. The 40 hours and the current condition of the state's deer herds were my main factors. I will be spending more of my time and $$ out of state the next few years.
This was my third year and I just put in again. Its alot of hours but to me its worth being able to hunt the region of your choice for the three years and not have to worry about getting a tag. There are still plenty of deer out there if you put in the time.
Utah is not my first choice to hunt deer, but it is a good backup when you have free time.
The 40 hours wasn't a big deal to me. I probably do that every year anyways.

180 bucks for 3 years of 3 different seasons per year is a deal in my book.it would be $315 for all the hunts even if you could buy all the tags without doing dedicated.

I went to archery a couple years ago and love it. I miss hunting with family members that won't give up the rifle. I have always wanted to try muzz so it seems to be a good deal for me.

40 hours aint that bad. To me its a great deal to be able to hunt all 3 hunts during the season. This is my 6 yaer in the program and i hope it keeps going into the future. The word DEDICATED HUNTER, what does that mean to some people? It should be a program to people that are willing to do what ever is required of them to be able to receive the benefits of the program. DEDICATED HUNTER does not mean freebee or that you are guaranteed a harvest on a buck, it is still hunting. DEDICATED HUNTER program has been awsome to me. Good luck to those of you that dont like it with your hunt during your allowed season.
I put in for it. I want to hunt and if thats what I have to do to get a tag then thats fine with me. The extra cost and hours are not a big deal for the chance to be outdoors doing what I love. By the way I had tag soup all three years I was a dedicated hunter. I had my fair share of chances to harvest some monsters, including a 200 inch gross 30 inch plus typical on the last day of the rifle hunt.
After hunting Wyoming last year....Nevada the year before....Colorado a few years ago.....I just can't find a good reason to put in for Utah.

The "Biologists" here could learn a few things from any one of our neighboring states.

Hunting here seems more like a sentence.....I could be in Wyoming or Nevada instead......so I will be...

"One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
I just finished two terms (6 years) and hope to make it 9 years with this years draw. Like one boot said, its a great back up plan. I can literally hunt bucks from mid august to Nov 30th! My vacation time is spent on quality out of state hunts every year, but the dedicated tag affords me evening hunts and otherwise slow weekends to head to the hills. For $60 a year thats a pretty good deal in my book.
Were do you get $60 bucks a year. Last I seen was $180 plus 40 hours. I make alot more then $0 an hour. TIME IS MONEY
>$180 for 3 years is $60
>per year. It is not
>$180 per year.

Good math justr_86. Now figure 40 hours at $20 an hour. Gets pretty exspensive doesn't it.
Money well spent in my book. i dont mind working as much overtime that i can so i can afford 2 hunt and be in the mountains as much as i can in the fall. That is what i do that is what i like to spend my hard earned money on. Maybe DEDICATED HUNTER is not for some people out there.
>Money well spent in my book.
>i dont mind working as
>much overtime that i can
>so i can afford 2
>hunt and be in the
>mountains as much as i
>can in the fall. That
>is what i do that
>is what i like to
>spend my hard earned money
>not for some people out

For $45 I can get an archery tag, and DEDICATE just as much time in the woods hunting as you. Plus I can take a weeks wages (your 40 hours) and DEDICATE some time in a state that has deer.
For those that dont like the DH program, Thank You! Your making it easier for me to draw so I can hunt when and where I want, how I want. No pressure here, I have three seasons to get it done. plus extended archery. Then after I eat tag soup I can send my tag back in and draw a LE tag. Pretty good deal if you ask me.
I wont let it get in the way of other out of state hunts. but its nice to know I can hunt my home state when I have time.
Why is everyone so against the 40 hours? I know thats alot but think about what your doing. You get to have your hand in and help on wildlife projects. Who cares if its building a fence, Its helping and its relatively free for the state. Who loses?

I am against the 40 hours because they manage the deer herd like crap and then act like it is a privilage to hunt here. Like the problem with the deer herd is that we dont have enough volunteers or money.

"One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
why would I want to put in for another draw then only get to kill deer 2 out of 3 years, then hunt pueny little bucks with loads of rifle toten tards. When I can hunt every year for 4 months, hunt henry quality bucks and put my 40 hours into scouting, then purchase an over the counter tag and be hunting a buck, doe, bull, cow.

archery is the solution to Le quality bucks/bulls and over the counter tags.


Archery is a year round commitment!!
LAST EDITED ON Jan-25-10 AT 09:53AM (MST)[p]Didnt you say you were going to hunt this year with a muzz or rifle in city creek? If your not a DH then you will have to give up the bow to try something different. I like the fact I can chase them with my bow and if I dont get it done I can use a little longer weapon. But then again where I hunt on public land there are very few others so the pumpkin patch is just a myth
I like the flexibility of being able to hunt all three hunts. My work sometimes takes my time so that I only end up getting to hunt one of the three so it works out for me.
UTAH has plenty of deer for those who know where to look.DEDICATED HUNTER is a good program that alows some hunters to go and find those deer. I also like to do what i can for wildlife in Utah through some DEDICATED HUNTER projects. This program just aint for some people. Good thing we all have a choice in life in how we want to hunt, when we get an oppertunity to hunt.
Other states have 30 day deer seasons with twice as many bucks. You can get 4 weeks of hunting in one year.

Wierd how they can have 30" bucks with 30 days of hunting and no volunteers to plant trees or fix fences.

I hope someone from the DWR is reading these posts......

I will not put in for the Dedicated hunt and once I draw my elk I may not hunt in Utah much at all.....good luck with your 3 seasons per year in Utah....you will need them

For the record, I see 4 point bucks every year on the hunts in Utah. But in other states I see more of them and they are bigger with a 30 day season.

"One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
>UTAH has plenty of deer for
>those who know where to
>look.DEDICATED HUNTER is a good
>program that alows some hunters
>to go and find those
>deer. I also like to
>do what i can for
>wildlife in Utah through some
>DEDICATED HUNTER projects. This program
>just aint for some people.
>Good thing we all have
>a choice in life in
>how we want to hunt,
>when we get an oppertunity
>to hunt.

Antelope Island? Ogden nature center? It was a good program when they mandated a RAC meeting, it opened a lot of peoples eyes, which is why they stopped it. It is a nice money maker for the DWR, which allows them to use thier budgets for new trucks instead of habit projects. I still rifle hunt with the fam, just use a camera, plus with next years changes all deer hunting is gonna be "interesting."
The dedicated program is the DWR selling snake oil. It is not worth it with the shorting of the rifle hunt and the 40 hours requirement.

I will buy an archery tag for $35 per year and hunt just as much as the guy who thinks he is getting a deal in the program.

You Pay:
$180 + (40 hrs * $20) = $980 and you can only kill 2 deer

I Pay
3 * $35 = $105 and I can kill 3 deer

Now where is the deal in those numbers....?
Obviously its not for everybody. I like it and it works for me, i have taken some nice deer and i see a lot of nice deer. maybe not the quality of deer to some with such high standards, but quality to me. And i am the only one that matters to me. I have one 30 inch buck, and i will have another some day and i will continue in the DEDICATED HUNTER program as long as they allow me.
I just completed my 12th year in the program and did NOT sign up again.
The main reason is the 40 hour service requirement. What a crock!
10,000 DHs x 40 hours= 400,000 man-hours x $20/hour= $8 million free labor for DWR
I don't have a problem putting in a little service time. Some of the projects I worked on over the years were great and I'm sure very beneficial to wildlife. But most of them are ridiculous, if you can even find any to do.
There will be even more abuse of buddies helping buddies get their hours done than ever.
And when did this go through the RACs? Oh, yeah, it NEVER DID. Railroaded through by the division to avoid public comment.
I may join again sometime when the deer herds are recovered or when there get to be more valuable projects than delivering proclamations or fixing up forest service campgrounds, but until then........
Gorilla can you turn in your unfilled archery tag and be put in for a special draw? I can turn mine in and in 2006 I drew a early rifle Bookcliffs elk tag(and kept my elk pts).Now thats a DEAL!

LAST EDITED ON Jan-26-10 AT 12:31PM (MST)[p]My wife played a mean nasty trick. She told me I did not draw. I did. They have 1600 leftover tags if anyone else is interested I don't know if they will sale them OTC or not though.

The boys down south have no choice to join if they want to hunt muzzy and rifle. Most of the projects I saw weren't even helping wildlife.(licking stamps and dropping off procs)
Sounds like you were one of the lucky ones. I was in the program with 2009 being my last. In 2006, I thought it was pushing the limit when I paid $190 and put in the 24hrs. Even with the chance of a limited entry draw on unused tags, the numbers still don't add up. Last I checked they don't post the odds for the DH Limited Entry, so who knows if you are getting a deal.

You should realize that with the 40 hr requirement, you are paying non-resident prices to hunt deer Utah.

Lets do the cost and opportunity numbers again over a 3 year period.

Those in the DH hunter pay $980 for 2 deer and are guaranteed to have to sit out a year. So your deer cost $490 per.

I pay $105 and I can hunt to kill a deer every year and I can hunt the same number of days in Utah. Then I take the $800 I saved and hunt deer in Wyoming for 2 of those years. This option allows me to hunt for both trophy Bucks and meat. My deer cost $196 per.

So you tell me, who has more guaranteed opportunity for their money...;)
I believe that for every 150 DH tags that are turned in they draw one deer or elk tag. To me its not just about hunting for months on end, I enjoy hunting with all three weapons.And to say that Im paying 800.00(40 hrs x 20.00) is wrong because Im not paying cash. If you need 20.00 an hour to help the youth learn to fish, picking up garbage, pulling weeds, or what ever our state needs us to do then your in it for the wrong reasons anyway.

>I believe that for every 150
>DH tags that are turned
>in they draw one deer
>or elk tag. To me
>its not just about hunting
>for months on end, I
>enjoy hunting with all three
>weapons.And to say that Im
>paying 800.00(40 hrs x 20.00)
>is wrong because Im not
>paying cash. If you need
>20.00 an hour to help
>the youth learn to fish,
>picking up garbage, pulling weeds,
>or what ever our state
>needs us to do then
>your in it for the
>wrong reasons anyway.
> Spoonful

Your trying to feed people a spoonful of sh-t. Time is money no matter how you look at it. I was in the program for 9 years. I had no problem doing the hours, but how does picking up garbage at a park, pulling weeds at the fish hatchery, and trimming bushes help wildlife. If my time helped the deer, elk, and other wildlife then i'm in. I'm sure some projects do, but in 9 years they had me do nothing that helped any animal in this state. Your DH money, and hours benefit the dwr employees. So they can drive new trucks, and be lazy.
Sweet I drew. Looking forward to hunting Utah again. (on all three hunts!) Im just glad to be able to hunt again.
Looks like Ill be hunting southern for a few years. I will chase the big ones with my bow and if I dont kill Ill pick up my muzzy, then if I still dont kill Ill pick up my rifle, then if I still dont kill Ill pick my bow back up for the extended. THen if I still dont kill I will turn my tag back in and draw a LE tag. SOunds good to me.

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