Who wants to start a Monday angry?


Long Time Member
Can yall believe the slanted garbage these people get to say. They talk garbage about guns aren't a challenge so this guy used a spear and they talk about how it makes the animal suffer. They fat shame other hunters and then put stink on this guy becuase he is into fitness and body building????? You can't keep these monsters happy and they refuse to deal in facts.


If you want to go see the film it's here.

Now some New Jersey soccer mom is going to sign a federal petition to shut you down on her federal lands.
Nothing to stop the NJ soccer mom from starting the same petition for hunting ban for bears on private/state land.

I am not a big fan of the spear hunting. In most instances they lack the accuracy of archery, rifle, muzzle...to each his own. I believe the goal should be a quick and humane kill utilizing whichever legal weapon the hunter is proficient using.
The difference is Utah400 it will just be in her state. DO you think The state of Utah would start pushing legislation based on a petition from New Jersey????

I'm not a fan of spear hunting either but I showed the article and video to show there is no way to satisfy these people. No matter how you present hunting they will be disgusted and attack you for it.
Of course you won't, and animals will be wounded, but at least have the sense to edit your video before making public. I've been with a person who didn't want to waste another bullet because he thought the deer would soon die. My Dad taught me to not let an animal suffer at all and the older I get the more it hits home. We as sportsmen need to be a little thoughtful of those who don't agree with our views on the killing of animals and the perception it leaves when they see a video like this. Then, of course, there will always be others who will recruit opposition from this kind of advertisement.
There's the problem Cannonball. You don't realize YOU CAN'T SATISFY THEM. If He brains the bear with a .375 then the antis get to say "the bear didn't stand a chance".

You actually support them by bowing to this mentality that we can kill "righteously".

Here's a headline Cannonball. When you kill an animal HE SUFFERS. Some suffer longer than others and I sure don't want to prolong it if possible, But all those animals you killed that took thirty seconds to die, suffered for thirty seconds. That's just reality. We don't know how long the bear suffered. No one does.

We engage in an activity that isn't pretty and no amount of self-righteousness can account for it. Quit trying to placate these antis.
First television, and now social media, are blasting the reality of hunting and ordinary death into the faces of all. Most of these kids cannot emotionally grasp the bare-naked truth of how the food chain works in the real world. On the other hand, even though the confused ramblings of these children are now being released from their minds, via their touch screens and keyboards, and emblazoned onto the www, this visibility does not make their phony dialogue any more important or significant than it ever was. More visible, yes. Of much importance or usefulness, no. Therefore it is easy to ignore.
Great post Sticksender, but what do we do when politicians, who we know actually couldn't care less, don't ignore? The politicians live in just as baseless world as these self-righteous stooges writing this garbage. But we have to live under their decisions.
Tristate said:

"The difference is Utah400 it will just be in her state. DO you think The state of Utah would start pushing legislation based on a petition from New Jersey????"



"NRA: Michael Bloomberg Resorts To ?Buying? Gun Control

Gun control initiatives pushed by Michael Bloomberg-funded Everytown for Gun Safety are on the ballot in four states this November. The NRA sees this as evidence that Bloomberg is simply buying the gun control Congress has repeatedly rejected.
The four states with gun control initiatives are Washington, California, Maine and Nevada. In Washington, the initiative would expand bans on gun ownership by changing language tied to domestic violence and ?extreme risk protection orders.? This push comes just two years after Bloomberg?s Everytown donated one million to secure universal background checks in Washington state.

In California, the ballot initiative concerns the implementation of a type of ammunition background check that differs from the one Governor Jerry Brown (D) signed on July 1. In Maine and Nevada, the ballot initiatives would implement the same failed universal background checks that already exist in California and Washington state..."
You think a gun bill could pass in California because of Michael Bloomberg????? If that gun bill passes its because the majority of California elected officials that want gun Control or they voted for it themselves.
One thing about it, you guys will go down in a blaze of glory. I grew up in farm country and know the stark reality of killing animals. I also know that there are a whole bunch of nuts out there who are anti-everything, so why explore the blood and guts on hunting videos. There are a whole bunch of average city dwellers who thinks milk and beef comes from stores - that's it!! Why let the crazys have fodder to alienate those naive souls.

Look at everyday life, including the two candidates running for president and you can see what is, may not be.

This is a crazy world we live in, why rush it. A change may come that we(hunters) are not ready for.
>You think a gun bill could
>pass in California because of
>Michael Bloomberg????? If that
>gun bill passes its because
>the majority of California elected
>officials that want gun Control
>or they voted for it

And in Nevada and Washington? You don't think that Everytown, USA and Bloomberg pushing this agenda with millions of dollars might just have a tiny bit of influence on how that initiative got on the ballot in Nevada? You don't think the exact same thing couldn't happen with hunting?

I'm not disagreeing with your original post or position on this Tri. I just think your blanket statement/question of "The difference is Utah400 it will just be in her state. DO you think The state of Utah would start pushing legislation based on a petition from New Jersey????" is a little na?ve. One state is in no way safe from the extreme agendas in another if those agendas have enough resources (money) behind them.

If you want more examples consider these:
Feral (Wild) horses and burros
Creation of national monuments, parks, wilderness etc
Endangered species
Animal rights

That's just a few examples of agendas that are many times pushed, often successfully, by people who live nowhere near the issue. Surely you can see that.
That's my point Cannonball, every video is "fodder" for these people. They are completely dishonest so whatever video we put out there they will twist as being "shameful" and the fewer videos we put out the less exposure "average city dwellers" get to hunting. SO when a video does finally happen across their screen they are shocked.

I don't see the problem as being the videos we put out. There is a much greater problem in America. And a lot of it is our press. What is wrong with our media sources when a lion getting killed is a bigger story than millions of white families being driven out of the exact same country or murdered in less than a decade. Or they make a gorilla getting shot at the zoo a bigger story than a cop getting murdered in the same town??

How do we the people take on the press for becoming propaganda machines who spread lies daily?
Tristate is correct in one regard. If a "nature show" shows a pack of wolves or a pride of lions taking 45 minutes to bring down its prey, eating it while its still alive, that's called the wonder of the natural world. Survival of the fittest, blah, blah, blah.

If a man takes an animal it's disgusting no matter how humane it's done. So, we can't win.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-15-16 AT 12:17PM (MST)[p]NVB, You think I am trying to say that these issues go away on a National level and I am not.

What I am trying to say is they loose power when the decision making is actually done close to home and not in Washington.

You gave four examples of big problems we face. What you don't recognize is all four of those problems are empowered FEDERALLY. If these same issues had originated on state or private land they suddenly become a lot more manageable.

What would you rather have NVB? The municipality deciding when you can water your yard or Washington? Which of those two governments do you think you have a better chance of influencing and getting it right?
>AT 12:17?PM (MST)

>NVB, You think I am trying
>to say that these issues
>go away on a National
>level and I am not.

No, I think you are saying that they will go away if things are on the state level. They won't

>What I am trying to say
>is they loose power when
>the decision making is actually
>done close to home and
>not in Washington.
>You gave four examples of big
>problems we face. What
>you don't recognize is all
>four of those problems are
>empowered FEDERALLY. If these
>same issues had originated on
>state or private land they
>suddenly become a lot more

Wild horses and endangered species won't go away if the feds aren't in control. And I forgot to mention Clean Water. The Feds will STILL be in control, or rather those people with the deep pockets who love to litigate will still be in control. They do not care about state governments. They are just as influential with states as they are with the feds.

Animal rights won't go away either.

>What would you rather have NVB?
> The municipality deciding when
>you can water your yard
>or Washington? Which of
>those two governments do you
>think you have a better
>chance of influencing and getting
>it right?

I suspect you haven't really dealt with either state or federal governments that much. You've mostly observed. Have you ever tried to persuade your state department of transportation to change a speed limit, pave a road or install a stop sign? Ever dealt with state EPA? Child services? State water department? States can be just as unreasonable as feds.
I am not saying issues will go away. I am saying you are more likely to deal with actual Stakeholders instead of self-righteous people in another state who don't even know what a bear, or a wild horse, or a mountain looks like.

One opponent has perspective and the other has none. You would obviously rather deal with the opponent which has none AND OUTNUMBERS YOU.

I've actually had YOU, NVB, specifically tell me this isn't an issue for Texans or Texas regarding other threads on these forums. Have you already forgotten you don't like people butting into what you consider home business?????
Of course, your never going to win with those kind. They will find every thing they can, but we don't need to parade round in our underwear.
And that's how they are beating you Cannonball. You think killing an animal on video is parading around in our underwear.

That logic fosters their belief that there is something to be ashamed of here.

Maybe I am the hunting nudist around here but I don't feel shame for being an animal killer.

I do not have to much against with the video. A lot of people would have a problem with the dragging and the gut part - - like my wife - - my daughters. Us boys have seen enough that it doesn't bother us. To me it is just in bad taste to poke around the guts on a hunting video, but that is just me.
So what if the video gives warning that animals get dragged and you see guts? Then would it be OK to put on YouTube?
Someone explain to me the thought process behind rigging a go pro to a spear? Simple physics says you throw the balance off and increase your chance of a miss. So why did he do it? So he could put it on Youtube and be an internet badass. Maybe even get his own show out of it?

We need to pick our battles. This guy wasn't out hunting, and got filmed by some bleeding heart and is a victim. He didn't have his buddy in a ground blind with his I phone filming. He rigged a spear with a go pro, simply so he could prove he "was the man". Everything that happened afterward came about because he put that jackwagon idea on video. Yes, you have the right to do so, but I have the right to point out your a jackwagon.

So what did he accomplish? He became somewhat famous(infamous). He most likely single handedly stopped spear hunting. He put the hunting community in the position of having to waste time and effort supporting him, even though the vast majority of us can't believe how damn desperate for attention he is and what a grandstanding idiot he is.

Lastly, we as hunters get to that question, WHY? Why does he hunt with a spear? Is it because he is honoring his ancestors? Is it because he is an adreniline junking and wants to be in tight? Or is it because he wants to be famous? A legend? Perhaps a TV star?

You cant say your a spear hunter wanting to honor a way of life, then put a go pro on the spear. You can't say that if your camoed up. Your ancestors didn't talk about "smoking" anything. They didn't act the fool. I'm sure the adreniline is through the roof. But that go pro being put on Youtube pretty much points to the same thing every idiot thinks, "it will make me famous" That being the case, congrats idiot, your the most famous idiot on MM today, otherwise your just a jackwagon with a go pro.

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"

Being a fame chasing camera hog doen't mean it isn't a hunt. Doesn't mean he can't go hunting. Doesn't mean hunting laws need to change. Doesn't mean spear hunting needs to be outlawed.

People hunt for all different reasons and motives. I doubt we can start policing motivation for hunting and I doubt we all need to prove we have the same motives for hunting.
Well, I guess in Canada it does mean those things. His motivation was clear, he wanted to film a spear in flight hitting something. So he did. And now he and a tiny group of other Kim Kardashians in camo want to claim purity. If he didnt film and put it on youtube, only he and his hunting party would have known, and he would still be hunting with a spear. Out of sight, out of mind. So now he, and likely you will sit around and talk about rights, and freedom, and whatever else. TRI, and others, this is what WE have brought. WE took our heritage, our birthright, our way of life, and WE sold it out. WE quit hunting with our families. WE quit hunting as a means to support them(in fact we look down our noses at opportunists). WE sold out access for inches. WE gave up tradition for outfitters. WE film it. WE sell it. WE did this, and now WE are starting to pay the piper. Its pretty much that simple. I agree the bleeding hearts don't understand, or want to pretend we don't live in a violent world. I agree that liberals live in a fantasy world. I agree with all that, but there are way more of them then us, so sticking a go pro, on a spear and cutting the guts out of a bear, and then doing the whole "smoked him" routine, kicked a sleeping dog. The sooner we realize there is a difference in this action and what you and your daughters do turkey hunting, the quicker we might stop this, but I WON'T spend one second wasting time trying to cover this clown. Like I said, if he was out spear hunting and got filmed by some anti, I would rush to his defense, but not when all he wanted was to be famous, regardless of the means, regardless of the consequenses.

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"
I guess we just disagree. I feel people should have the right to make themselves look as stupid as they want and make that stupidity as available as they want to everybody. And I don't believe there is one iota of logic in idiots who believe if one person wants to make his stupidity publicly available they should make an entire group suffer under penalty of law for it. THAT ISN'T LIBERTY AT ALL. That is political correctness which in this case is nothing more than fascism disguised as manners.

If you think any of this ends with idiots no longer being available on the internet you are kidding yourself. If you think these people, who are trying to shut hunting down, stop when hunting is stopped, you are kidding yourself. If hunting is gone and that battle lost they will move to the next thing they are sure you and I shouldn't be able to do anymore. Whether that be riding motorcycles, or drinking whiskey, or making a baby. They will slowly choke the liberty out of our lives because it is about CONTROL.
It looks like there is a financial price to pay for them.

Wife of American hunter seen on video impaling bear with spear in Alberta loses Under Armour deal

Fallout continues over a video showing an American hunter spearing a bear in northern Alberta earlier this year.

Clothing manufacturer Under Armour has ceased their association with Sarah Bowmar, an accomplished bowhunter and wife of Josh Bowmar, the man at the centre of the controversy.

Guess I won't be buying anymore Under Armour clothing and neither will anybody in my family. Plenty other clothing just as good and cheaper.
Im not a fan of spear hunting or the Bowmars for that matter, but I'm pissed off that UA Hunt was so quick to fold and give in to the ARA's when they are supposed to be a hunting clothing company. I never have bought their garbage and damn sure wont now. I wish for once hunters could come together and agree on something like a boycott of this company and the clowns they sponsor. Cameron Hanes is a sell out, The Drury's same thing.
I wonder if Ridge Reaper would have the juevos to tell UA to beat it??????

I have to say I believe completely in corporations being able to vote with their wallet. But I equally support the individual that does it also. I like the show Ridge Reaper but if they keep peddling UA I am done watching them and anyone else in the hunting industry that does it. Its not a judgement of character as I am sure they are great guys and good hunters but I was a hunter long before I was a trained product monkey and I want to stay a hunter long after the products fade away.
Nobody cares what you watch or who you support. Your lack of support for UA is like the Nazi party withdrawing support for a president. It's just a solid relief. UA thanks you for walking away.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-24-16 AT 02:16PM (MST)[p]Travis,

Don't you have some grandmas to beat or something?

I had no idea you were so emotionally invested in sport clothing.
This whole thing pretty much sums up how hunting has changed, and how damn funny it is watching.

First, you become a "professional hunter", complete with sponsorship. The main sponsor being a clothing company whose entire ad campaign was selling clothes to the alpha male. They saw this sport had turned from dudes hunting to a whole class of alpha male, baddest man on the planet guys running around in camo. They jumped in, and of course, they sucked in their target demo.

Then, because every dude in the forest has a trail cam and go pro, the "professional hunter" decides he just HAS to strap a go pro on a spear so he can show the impact to all his worshipers on you tube.
Followed by all the usual "did you see how big this guys balls are" comments. Enough of which that enough hits created buzz, followed by the antis jumping on.

Then, the country this attention whore did this in decided it wasn't so keen to this, possibly because of the actual event, but more than likely because they wanted to stop the next genius from trying to top him.

Then, and this is the best part, the clothing company, that made its whole focus selling camo and undies to the alpha males in the hunting sports, who signed this alpha male, gets heat from the side of their buisness that is their core market and they make a decision to cut sponsorship. Now this leads of course to the "professional hunter" losing income by doing the things that UA signed up with him to do(yeah I know its his wife). Followed by all the dudes that worshipped at the UA alter now butthurt because a company that wasn't a hunting company, proved it. The alphas amongst us now threaten a boycott, but UA knows that no other company has targeted the alphas so they are safe.

Moral of the story: Support ACTUAL hunting companies. Your long johns don't make you the man. Realize that at best we are 7% of the population, of that the UA alpha males are less than 1% of that(because alphas are in the top 1% of course). Your boycott is meaningless.

So I guess I will just throw on my Smith and Edwards camo, jump in my bone stock truck, sleep with the girl I married 22 years ago, shoot elk with my 26yr old 06', and continue laughing at the hunting industry as a whole.

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"

You are still dealing with the herd mentality. That's why you analyze this as an alpha male issue? There is something pure about that. But for politics and business they watch the votes and the money and there is a funny game which has to be played to balance that and keep it legal so you can still legally hunt ANY WHICH WAY MAKES YOU HAPPY.
Tribaby I stopped beating you and other grandmothers up a long time ago. Has the mental institution lengthened your computer time? I thought they were still 'lights out' at 730. I know its still light outside but you need your rest. Its hard on your body taking all those meds. I just wish they actually helped you.
Hey Travis, do you remember the time when you actually tried to say you don't judge people? I've got to say you are really good for a laugh. I haven't heard the Pee-wee Herman "I know you are , but what am I" rule of debate played on here in a while.

Keep that sense of humor little fella. It will serve you well when you grow up.
Tribaby is a growed up big boy

Hopefully one day when I'm all growed up uncle tribaby I can be just as awesome as you! I hope that I can mount ugly animals and piss everyone off on the internet. I hope one day to be the most tuffest internet hero of ever and ever just like you!

You is a growed up big boy uncle tribaby. don't forget to eat soft foods.
Good points about the bear. That said, I cannot help but be angry that the guy had to make it all about him, generating perfectly predictable negative publicity. As long as hunting remains a privilege rather than a right, it would be wise to respect the opinions of those who may act to restrict access and work in a positive manner to change them. I hate the thought of hunting being driven into the shadows where it may become regarded as an archaic and backwards activity, but the best way to avoid this is to emphasize its positives--the fact that it can produce a meal with less damage to the environment and with fewer animals lives lost than any form of agriculture, for example--rather than those behaviors that most people will find offensive.
Very interesting point Bullskin. In fact that brings up a discussion I was having with a friend regarding the sale of meat from game animals. We started wondering if that was legalized again and you could sell the meat off of a deer you had taken to the general public, especially non-hunters, could it have a positive effect to bring non-hunters onto our side. The idea is that hunting in no way touches their lives and by making game meat another food source for them they suddenly become more aware and STAKEHOLDERS in the wildlife itself although they do not hunt it.
Commercial hunting did not go well for us in the past. Perhaps it would help to reduce invasives such as pigs, but I prefer the option of giving game away, if one chooses to do so. In addition to donating meat, hunters must continue to take the lead in wildlife conservation (all species, not just game animals) and make sure that people hear about it. Too many of us cannot actually explain how well-regulated hunting and fishing benefits wildlife. In fact, many still repeat the sort of rhetoric repeated over decades that anti-hunters can easily refute.
Correct that commercial hunting didn't go well in the past. But the fact is that was a time when there weren't even very many state wildlife departments regulating wildlife in areas where rule of law was close to non-existent. Today we have much better science, and better controls in place in which we could regulate and manage it. It is hard to compare times of commercial hunting when you have a government paying bounties to wipe out a human civilization to today's society and government. I think Americans and science have come a long way and can handle the responsibilities it takes to offer commercial wild meat.
Tri, I like your theory about selling wild game but I think we better leave it at that.

I think they have private game farms that sell venison, elk, bison, etc. That's probably enough?

You get into safe food regulations, inspections, law suits. You used to be able to shoot a duck and sell it to your neighbor, no problem. Those days are gone in our sue happy society.

If there is a legal market to buy wild game, someone will fill that market, with or without permits. I guess what I'm trying to say is it may encourage poaching. See note below.

Note: the definition of poaching may vary from place to place so be sure to check the regulations, or other sources of information, in your area to see if that word applies. :)

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