Who is your Hero


Long Time Member
A discussion about heroes on another thread got me to wondering, what exactly constitutes hero status?

I'm not gonna lead this thread in any direction so I won't say who mine is (or are). I'm thinking there will be some who say their Dad or Grandfather or some other prominent family figure. But I'm curious, who is your hero? Or who was it as a kid and has that changed? And why? What makes a hero?
LAST EDITED ON May-02-10 AT 01:40PM (MST)[p]My grandpa...

He took me everywhere with him..We rode dirt bikes together 90 mph across the desert..He is 74 and still rides them..A little slower but he still tears them up..And he don't take shiit from nobody...

Worked his asss off for everything he has and will give you the shirt off his back if you need it..Just don't cross him!!



The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
Without a doubt my dad, and not just cause he is my dad. He had polio when he was 8 and has had countless surgeries. He has been pretty much crippled up since about the last part the 80's early 90's. We recently got him hunting again i only got to hunt when i wasnt able to carry a gun with him so it is pretty cool for me. Other heros to me are anyone who has given their life for our country, military cops firemen teachers who gave their lives in school shootings. The list goes on and on. So who is your hero?


has anyone seen my kittie
>My dad. He is also the
>only democrat that I don't
>want to strangle.

Ironically, you are the only republican he has attempted to strangle. :) Well, maybe not the only one but I'm pretty sure he has tried to strangle you on a few occasions.

In my opinion heroes are ordinary people that do extraordinary things without any expectations of pay or compensation.

They are the ones that choose to give of themselves selflessly or enter sometimes life threatening situations when they have an option to go the other way, not simply because it was their job.
>In my opinion heroes are ordinary
>people that do extraordinary things
>without any expectations of pay
>or compensation.
>They are the ones that choose
>to give of themselves selflessly
>or enter sometimes life threatening
>situations when they have an
>option to go the other
>way, not simply because it
>was their job.

HH very well said, my thoughts exactly.
Brig. Gen. Robert L. Scott Jr., World War II fighter ace and author of the 1943 book ?God Is My Co-Pilot?.

Read this book years ago and he was my hero at that time and have not had any reason to changed my opinion yet. Gen. Scott had a gun bearer with him on his African safari that I think he thought was his "hero". Read the book and you will find out why.

So HH, then no one who gets paid to do a job is worthy of hero status? Only a good samaritan type who places themself in those situations without compensation is a hero?

I can follow that line of thinking to an extent I guess. But I think there have been a lot of "war heroes" and other "heroes" who acted selflessly and way above any amount of compensation they may have been receiving.

So HH do you have any heroes?

I guess I was hoping to hear about role models, looked up to type of persons in my question.
The guy that married my ex-wife...maybe not a hero, but a brave, brave man...
The U.S. Soldier (I dont think they allow volunteers to fight), the police officer (dont think they allow volunteer here either), firefighters (even though they are called volunteers, they still get some kind of compensation). It doesnt change what these guys do.

>The guy that married my ex-wife...maybe
>not a hero, but a
>brave, brave man...

:) Now that is funny!

Thank you muleybull. It's not about the money. Soldiers, cops, firemen, paramedics & triage nurses don't take these jobs because they want to get rich. They do the job because of who they are. It's in their DNA.

Go Kobe Go!

Just kidding the heroes are exactly what most are talking about. Some paid some not. Soldiers, police, firemen, teachers or anyone else that steps in sometimes. Some are the kids that fight adversity, some are the parents that give those same kids everything they can. There is no "one size fits all" but they are all around us.
LAST EDITED ON May-02-10 AT 08:35PM (MST)[p]Navy Medics !

My personal hero, and the only hero is in a stainless steel box, we used to say, but this fellow was a small man with a heart like a lion, he ran into that snapping grass and helped a wounded marine, incoming was dropping close when he covered the mans body with his own and received a wound that split his scalp and took out a big piece of his spine. Obviously it wasn't schrapnel, but a round from somewhere. He died like he lived , smiling and telling some hoaky red necked joke. The marine he was laying and died on was black. Oh yea, for all you who think they can't be brave, the little red neck was gay.

" DOC " may your chow be hot, and the humps be flat, my brother.

Me and a whole lot of guys will never forget you, never!

Semper Fi


OK so IMO Mine would have to be my Sister, who battled not only Spina bifida, Kidney problems for 21 years but always had a great attitude, and always had a smile.

My Dad and MIL who both had cancer, and still lived their lives to the fullest right up until the end.

And last but not least my Sil who just fought and won Breast cancer,and has the most amazing attitude today.

To me its someone who makes the best out of a horrible situation, or the people who can do amazing things with the disabilities they have.:)
LAST EDITED ON May-03-10 AT 04:37PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON May-03-10 AT 04:36?PM (MST)

Here are my heroes in no particular order, except for maybe the first one. PM me for more info on any of them:

Jesus Christ
Joseph Smith
Parley P. Pratt
Orson Hyde
Brigham Young
Gordon B. Hinkley
Curg Belcher
Ed Johnson
My Dad
My Grandpa's
My Father-in-Law
My brother
My sister
My wife
My kids

and anyone who lays their life on the line in the defense and protection of my country, family and freedom.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
My hero was my high school coach. Got more out of me than anyone alive other than my Mom and Dad. He built the self confidence in my that got me through graduate school, financial limitations, and obstacle I won't share here. My Mom and Dad knew how much I loved them well before they passed on because I told them, many times but I never told my coach how much he'd done for me. Left high school and never looked back except to recall the many valuable lessons he taught me, lessons I've leveraged everyday of my life. As far as he knew I was just another ungrateful kid that came and went, to who knows where. My guess is he wouldn't have even remember my name.

I'll go to my grave regretting the fact that I never told him how much he meant to me. Never saw or spoke to him after the day I graduated 44 years ago but his example and encouragement have carried me every day of those 44 years. I'm nothing special but if I am anything it is because of Lyle Garbie.

There is a warm place in Heaven for the likes of him.

Thanks for asking.

John Wayne, and my 8th grade teacher, my Dad. Also, my teachers at COS and CSUF, Victor Krumdick and Ara Hairabedian. Throw in Ted Nugent and Charlton Heston. pc
>I'll go to my grave regretting
>the fact that I never
>told him how much he
>meant to me. Never
>saw or spoke to him
>after the day I graduated
>44 years ago but his
>example and encouragement have carried
>me every day of those
>44 years. I'm nothing
>special but if I am
>anything it is because of
>Lyle Garbie.

Right frickin on 2lumpy! Maybe YOU were Lyle Garbie's hero! All he ever wanted!
>John Wayne,

I KNEW it! I knew there'd be a John Wayne in the mix! A guy who never did much except ACT. Right frickin on! Hey HH, what would your brothers say?
LAST EDITED ON May-04-10 AT 00:04AM (MST)[p]http://scrapetv.com/News/News%20Pages/Sports/images-2/tiger-woods.jpg

P.S. I hate golf


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
>AT 00:04?AM (MST)


>P.S. I hate golf

>The poster does not take any
>responsibility for any hurt or
>bad feelings. Reading threads poses
>inherent risks. The poster would
>like to remind readers to
>make sure they have a
>functional sense of humor before
>they visit any discussion board.

Geeezus Snort LMMFAO!!!!!
LAST EDITED ON May-04-10 AT 01:05AM (MST)[p]Well after thinking about this topic I have had some mixed emotions about some of the replies. I understand the opinions like HH expressed, true to an extent. I tend to agree with him to an extent. However as he pointed out public servants get paid to do their jobs. It is within these jobs and callings that Heroes step up to the challenge and risk there lives for us all. They go above and beyond and sacrifice themselves for what they believe in and put there life in harms way knowing they took an oath to protect and serve us all. It is true they all get paid but within that job they emerge as heroes.

Same can be said for the American soldier who I have the up most respect for. Anyone who serves there country imo does it to not only to improve themselves while learning a skill but defends our great nation.

There are so many definitions of what a hero is to us. It can be a brother an uncle or a father/mother. It really does not matter and is not up for debate what a hero is to anyone. A hero is a personal choice and should be respected in the eyes of the beholder.
>AT 01:05?AM (MST)

>Well after thinking about this topic
>I have had some mixed
>emotions about some of the
>replies. I understand the opinions
>like HH expressed, true to
>an extent. I tend to
>agree with him to an
>extent. However as he pointed
>out public servants get paid
>to do their jobs. It
>is within these jobs and
>callings that Heroes step up
>to the challenge and risk
>there lives for us all.
>They go above and beyond
>and sacrifice themselves for what
>they believe in and put
>there life in harms way
>knowing they took an oath
>to protect and serve us
>all. It is true they
>all get paid but within
>that job they emerge as
> Same can be said for
>the American soldier who I
>have the up most respect
>for. Anyone who serves there
>country imo does it to
>not only to improve themselves
>while learning a skill but
>defends our great nation.
>There are so many definitions of
>what a hero is to
>us. It can be a
>brother an uncle or a
>father/mother. It really does not
>matter and is not up
>for debate what a hero
>is to anyone. A hero
>is a personal choice and
>should be respected in the
>eyes of the beholder.
I am glad that hunterharry's brothers get paid like they do, and it is too bad that he doesn't see them as heroes. His choice. However, around here, most officers start out around $25,000 a year and our highest paid county deputy (Sheriff) is at $55,000. Most work at least one other job.
Sgt. Aguilar is a hero to many around here. The night he died, he was going to a wreck that the Highway Patrol usually would handle. However, the troopers were busy. Dispatch asked Sevier County to help. Another deputy said he would go, Franco called him off and said he would handle it. HE VOLUNTERRED to go, just like when he VOLUNTERRED to go to the Marines.
Yes, I would say he is a hero!
" Right frickin on! Hey HH, what would your brothers say? "

They'd prolly say "Why do you hang out on a site with so many sh*t disturbers?"
"I am glad that hunterharry's brothers get paid like they do, and it is too bad that he doesn't see them as heroes. His choice. However, around here, most officers start out around $25,000 a year and our highest paid county deputy (Sheriff) is at $55,000. Most work at least one other job.
Sgt. Aguilar is a hero to many around here. The night he died, he was going to a wreck that the Highway Patrol usually would handle. However, the troopers were busy. Dispatch asked Sevier County to help. Another deputy said he would go, Franco called him off and said he would handle it. HE VOLUNTERRED to go, just like when he VOLUNTERRED to go to the Marines.
Yes, I would say he is a hero!"

Exactly right.
LAST EDITED ON May-04-10 AT 06:43PM (MST)[p]

Ok, before the posse starts painting me as a flag burning, cop hating, ingrate that hates his family, let me talk before you try to pigeon hole me, which so often happens when someone outside "The Chatzy Posse" voices an unpopular opinion here at the campfire.


I was WRONG to say anything negative in that thread regarding the officers death.
It was tasteless and tactless and very disrespectful of friends and family,
I'm truly sorry..

You know NOTHING about my relationship with my brothers.
They are much more than my heroes.
I was born into a dual alcoholic family, we struggled to keep clothes on our backs as my single parent father tried desperately to keep us four boys fed.
When I was in my late teens my dad hit rock bottom with the bottle.
The power was turned off, there was no food in the refrigerator and the bill collectors came calling.
We were forced out of our small rental home.
My dad needed help, he ended up going to the VA rehab clinic.
My brothers moved in with me, we rented a sh*tty little duplex.
I pretty much raised them until they got out of school and got jobs.
They are like both sons and brothers and I love them dearly.

My two younger brothers got into their respective academies then went on to proudly serve as law officers for many years..
They have good lives, and YES they are paid well, however we are in California not Utah or Wyoming, so those wages are completely relative with a lot of overtime figured in.(priced homes out here lately?)

My brother that is the highway patrolman had a daughter killed in a car accident, four lil girls died that afternoon as the car they were riding in careened off the road and landed upside down in an irrigation ditch.

We share a bond that goes way beyond anything some pompous ass on this message board can take a swipe at,... badge or no badge got it?

I have a strong respect for the effort put forth by first responders and our military, you are way off base to criticise me about that.
Shows that you really have no clue as to who I really am.
I wouldn't post those kind of personal assumptions about you.
I base my judgements on people as individuals NOT blanket statements whether those statements be criticism or compliments.

I have a nephew that was serving on Iraq.
He was in a transport vehicle that was demolished by a roadside bomb.
Of the eight soldiers inside he and another courageous soldier were the only survivors.
He had one arm literally burned off, suffered incredibly severe burns over most of his body and is just now regaining the vision in his right eye.
I have tremendous gratitude for those brave young men that fight so that we have the freedom to sit here and b*tch, p*ss and moan on these silly computers.

NVBighorn has on numerous occasion called me on the carpet on different issues.
NVB, First off, I have a ton of respect for you.
I cannot fathom the pain and anguish you must have endured due to your son's injury.
Not sure I'd be the same man if my son were hurt like yours was.
My hat's off to you for the support of your son.
I'm sure you are each other's hero and that's the way it ought to be.
Though we've knocked heads from time to time, I still have that respect for you.

I do get a lil testy here just like the rest of you guys.
I simply have really never used the word "hero" and truthfully have never given it a whole lot of thought.
I was going to modify my post much in the same way that Rugarm77 did and seem to be taking a licking for not doing so.

I will own my words and again apologize to friends & family of the officer that lost his life.

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