Who is this Piper?


Very Active Member
I read the griz. blog, I read Piper's response, then when Lumpy got all over him for what I also considered Piper's stand as being very anti-hunting, I needed some research. I went to the Search engine and read everything that Piper has written on this blog - Interesting stuff.

I don't think he is as old as I am, nor does he have bad knees. I think of this spring north east of Kanab riding on the back roads looking at the wildflowers, seeing the wild turkeys. Those are the roads the Fed.'s are trying to close down. In general, I just think about the open access we have had in Utah and how great it has been. I am not handicapped by any means, but I am getting older and I really think we have enough wilderness areas for the few who venture there. I am for States rights, but here's something to chew on. I met some people from back East who were here riding their ATV's. They said, "Be glad you're from a state who is mainly owned by the Federal Government. We cannot ride in very many places where we are from because it's all private". Who is selling all of the mountain property off - THE STATE OF UTAH. I usually vote a straight Republican ticket - not any more - Chavez, McCain and others are trying to sell off Federal Lands in Utah.

Got carried away, anyway Piper makes some good points and I don't think he is anti-hunting, he seems very liberal, and I'm sure he wants to close a lot of open roads in Utah (must have good knees).

Thanks Piper for instilling some curiosity in me. I think you're misdirected on a few things, other's you're spot on.
>you can find him in the
>politcal forumn.........

And Religiously!

For "GOSH" Sakes,We got "TARDS" on this Site that can't handle a Damn,I Mean DANG thing,maybe MM should add a Church/Biblical Forum for the MM'ers that can't handle the Hunting Forums?

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!

LAST EDITED ON Sep-23-11 AT 06:16PM (MST)[p]Actually I haven't been on the political forum for a while, but anyway Im 54 years old and have a very worn out left knee, need a new one and its depressing because I love to go. I was born in Tardsville,grew up in Nevada and live in Wyoming. I do like to hunt, in fact I have 12 heads and five or six fish hanging up in the great room. About a month ago or so I butchered a beef cow, and I don't know what that post about using animal products and raising wild animals just for consumption is all about, do you?
The way some of your statements on the blogs sound, you could, but apparently not, be a vegetarian, I guess.

I'm guessing you feed a hay burner and are anti-atv's and have little or no compassion for those who enjoy the backroads. I believe you would like to see a lot more wilderness on our Federal Lands, so you and the select few can be alone, on foot, or on your horse, while the rest are concentrated on the remaining roads.

Correct me please!
two hay burners, don't mind ATVs as long as the users abide by the law, in fact I have hunted with them and wouldn't mind owning one. yea on wilderness, I have seen a lot of hunting areas ruined(IMO)because of easy motorized access, so I think most all unroaded areas should remain that way, the vast majority of public land is non wilderness and there is more than enough easily accessable areas for people to enjoy. Its just the way of the modern world, if you want your kids and grandkids to be able to enjoy a little bit of wild America, then that country needs to be protected by law.
The land needs to be protected By The People For The People, through good stewardship of the land and instilling ethical values within ourselves and future generations.Not protected by the LAW.
Once you willingly turn over OUR civil liberties and right's, that is it....It is gone and there is no getting it back.
The LAW is the simple solution to the problems and issues we face. The difficult path less traveled is being honest with ourselves and recognizing the impact of out actions and then taking the steps to educate the public and correct the issues we face UNITED-TOGETHER.
Through Ethical values,we have a chance at protecting the freedoms and liberty's of future generations. Without it we have given up and all is lost anyway. Let values govern our actions...At the least preserve the freedom of choice for ourselves and future genetations as well.
Piper, I certainly agree with what you have said, but the closing of roads that exist I don't agree with and that's where it is going now. A lot of old dead end road are being closed as well as some thru roads.

I do think you hit the nail on the head and put it quite well as to our hunting rights and privileges being challenged or even ruined by paid clientele. More no-trespassing property, people with pure money attitude, I just hate it. You can find more sportsmen on main street than in the mountains these days and that certainly wasn't the case in the past.

I certainly disagree that the Easterners know what's best for us here out West though. Here is Utah I would even hate to have the Wasatch Front, dictate what's good for us in Southern Utah. In fact I would even be bold enough to say that we would still have a deer herd if the main office of the DWR was in Southern Utah and the only people they hired were from Southern Utah - that's stretching it a bit I know.
I sometimes get frustrated with piper's political views, but I think he's a good man. I know he's a tough 'ol bird, and I share his love of wild places.

He used to do some high altitude mountain climbing too. When it comes to politics, I wish he had used more bottled oxygen though.:)

Teddy Roosevelt would be considered a screaming liberal on this site. consider it a compliment Piper.

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