who is the most annoying....



Sportscaster......not MM'er!!!!

I would have to go with(and in my book there are a few, but i'll limit it to most annoying) ##### Vitale. I can not watch a game that he is doing, even if they are teams i'd like to watch.

what about ya'll?
MADDEN .... I swear his eyebrows and nose hair are becoming one, plus he makes absolutely no sense!

COSTAS .... he's just a prick!

I'm not disagreeing with you boy's at all....

But Joe Buck makes my Azz want to take a dip
of snuff.......

Give me a break....when he starts arguing with Troy....
I want to Pimp Slap' the Hell out of him......

How bout Reggie Millers sister? Cheryl! Yikes!!! a dyke or .... is it Reggie in drag? hmmm?

I was also thinking, and you may not watch golf but johnny Miller. He acts like he knows all, and nothing good ever comes out of his pie hole.
I'm with you RUS, Madden can ruin a good football game, simply with his anoying voice!!

As for basketball? Bill Walton hands down.

Skull Krazy
"No Bones About It"
D!ck Vitale always sounds like he's right on the verge of a breakdown. I always expect him to start crying! LOL!

I can't listen to Joe Theisman. Just can't do it!
Larry! Larry! Don't you remember when Marv got in trouble with some woman in a motel? He bit her. He was wearing lingerie!

Larry! You have to remember that! LOL!

LAST EDITED ON Oct-17-07 AT 09:24PM (MST)[p]Most of 'em are pompas jerks... 'specially Costass.
Where's Howard Cosell when ya need him??
The more I think abou-tit... he "makes my Azz want to take a dip of snuff......." too.

"When I played with the Reds...."

I have to hit the mute button on Sunday night baseball and turn on the radio.
Bill Walton makes me want to hurl. That annoying mouth breather...UGH. Then if I have to LOOK at him....ick.

LOL Eel...I can't picture Marv w/out black lingere either. too funny!

I have to go with Bill Walton...
He can't talk for 2 minutes without bringing up how freaking good he "thought" he was, and how nobody else can compare..
He just flat out sucks!
And Marv....what a peach.
And what is the guys name with the "stupid suits" that interviews the BB players after the games?
He is weird and has always has a "DDUUHH" comment or two..
In the booth it would be the three howling monkies of Monday Night Football.
I have a special dislike of women on the sidelines with their 'scripted insights'. Especialy Andrea Kramer who doesn't seem to realize the play has started and she should stop talking.

This would be much easier if the question was the "least annoying" sportcaster as there are so few, but Dicky V, Dierdork, and Walton are a close 1, 2, and 3...
Exactly BM! MNF couldn't be any worse! Tony Kornheiser and the rest of those clowns are horrible, just torture to listen to. I love the NFL but its sad what ESPN has done to Monday night.
Brent Musberger - biggest phony fake bandwagon jumper in sports. He roots for the favorite and then revels in the glory like he is part of the team himself if they win. I hate it when he does USC games. He acts like Pete Carroll walks on water.

He did the same thing with Bo Schembechler and Bobby Bowden back in the 80's and 90's.

Whenever he calls a game, I turn the audio off and turn on the radio if possible. The local guys are supposed to root for the favorite - the national guys should remain nuetral.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Keith Oberman. Is on NBC's pregame show. Is a complete idiot. Came over from MSNBC where he was one of their leading commentators. But that is not saying much since the only people who watch MSNBC are family members and fools.

from the "Heartland of Wyoming"

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