Who is she?


Long Time Member
Without a 80/20 shot there's no tellin!:D

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
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I am Medicine And I am Poison!
What Voltage of Cordless Sawzall are you running & what's your quickest Drive-By at hackin the Horns off of RoadKills?

This Favorite Shhit is getting old already!
I think that is the daughter on that new show Flying Wild Alaska on Discovery.

It is a great show....and she is cute as hell!!!! Kinda dumb...but CUTE!!!!
>You guys are all over it
>this morning
>Ariel Tweto from Flying Wild Alaska.
>She's a hottie.

nice I like that!!
I was going to guess she is either from Alaska or Bakersfield wearing an ensemble like that. Wheres the fashion police when we need them?

I got put in time out for a bad signature! Sorry Founder...
She may be a hottie to some......but after she said that a seal flipper, buried in the dirt for 3 months was going to be a tasty delicacy, she pretty much had me heading south ....

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"
>If she'd choke that down I
>doubt she'd have an issue
>putting other things in her

LMAO!! Just don't fall in love with her...she's got a COLD heart for sure!!

Personally, I don't think she is that dumb. I think it's all a part of the act - similar to Mikey on American Chopper. It seems a lot of these "reality" show these days are doing more to "develop" characters instead of just rolling tape.

I agree....Kelly Pickler can't be as dumb as she came across on American Idol.

Feleno- She's a bit too frail for my taste. Speaking of taste, I'll be kissing her would be like making out with a mackerel.

I got put in time out for a bad signature! Sorry Founder...

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