Who is she?


Long Time Member
She is holding out her necklace hinting that she wants another one. Not store bought, but homemade!!!!
>She is holding out her necklace
>hinting that she wants another
>one. Not store bought, but


The gal I was dreaming about the other night then woke with the dog groaning in my face... Thank gawd dogs can't talk.
Compete got it.
Her name is Candice Crawford, Tony Romo's girlfriend whom he just proposed to.
First Carrie Underwood, then Jessica Simpson now her. The guy is a hot-blonde magnet.

This is probably the only way he'll ever be able to get a ring :)
LAST EDITED ON Dec-17-10 AT 03:06PM (MST)[p]LOL he has to have something to do while standing on the sidelines. Looks to me like he's done pretty damn good . I got a say I'm jealous, damn qbs!
I'll bet she can eat corn through a picket fence...

I got put in time out for a bad signature! Sorry Founder...

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