Who is going to the sports expo this weekend?


Long Time Member
I will be there Saturday, Would like to meet a few of you if you are going to be there.

I'll be there on Saturday. Just look for a really tall guy!! ;) At 6'8", I tend to stand out in a crowd!!

noon to 9pm Thursday and Friday
10am to 9pm Saturday
10am to 5pm Sunday.

Later, Brandon
I'm going either Friday or Saturday. I'm visiting a brother that lives in Salt Lake City. What a coincidence that it happens to be the same time as this show. :) I'm coming from Boise, ID and I'm pretty excited about checking this show out. We just had ours in Boise and I'm pretty sure this one is about 20 times bigger.

Do you guys know when the bugling contest starts? It never gave a time on their website www.sportsexpos.com. It just gave the deadline for registering. Anyway I hope to run into someone there as I will know no one.

Hey IdahoBugler,

I'm from Boise also. The news I got was the bugling contest starts at 2 PM on Sunday in the Hunting Theatre, and you have to be signed up at Chad Schearer's booth by noon. First place is $250 and a muzzleloader, second place is a bow. There is no entry fee. Same rules as the RMEF uses for the World Championships.

I'll probably be there fri or sat. can't miss me; six feet, 190lbs brown hair and eyes. oh wait, that's about 3/4 of utah guys. Will MM have a booth???
I'm coming down on Friday and I'll won't be hard to miss. I'll be the guy limping around on crutches. Are they gonna have a one legged ass kicking contest besides the bugling contest?
I'll be there Thurday afternoon with my dad, brothers, and a couple brother-in-laws. Should be a lot of fun.

Hey Guys,
I'll be selling my new 2004 Utah's Raging Bulls video in the Trophy Hunter Trophy Room Booth. Come check it out, we have 22 hunts with 13 kill shots narrated by Doug Miller. We have some awesome video with some amazing hunts. On it we have the kill shot of the new Utah typical state record bull that is the first typical to ever net over 400, two other bulls that both gross over 418, Paul fallons amazing kill shot(the bull actually is taken in a pond),and the new state record non-typical bull taken with a muzzleloader. All of these bulls will be on display and I hope to see you there. Come and say hi, I'd like to put a face to the ppl I've been conversing with here on MM. Soon you'll also be able to buy it here on MM. See you there, Adam
I will be there on Fri and SAt with the wife and kids. It will probably be a "let down" from the RMEF in Reno, but I can't wait. I'll be the scrawny, sawed off young guy with three girls from Idaho.
I'll be there thursday. Taking my 10 year old girl on a daddy daughter date couldn't think of a better place to go... She's pumped to go with me. Just got back from there helping my bro-in-law set up his boothe. Everybody will have to go by he's got my cougar and two of my deer on display. Boothe 339 (I think )Wiscombe Wildlife Taxidermy. Tell me what ya think.
Hey Brian,
Good to hear from you. It does have my archery hunt in it, and Merritt is mentioned. My bull is the smallest bull @ 317 and the largest is 420. We are going to give Brian Latturner (founder) some of the videos so that he can sell them here on MM. Talk to you soon, Adam
I went to the show yesterday and it was ok. There are some awesome mounts that make it worthwhile. I met jim shockey at his outfitter booth and talked smokepoles for a while. I also met brian(founder). It was pretty fun, better than the last few.

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