Who is glad Dudes back?


Long Time Member
This tread won't last long but being bored and wanting Dude to know we missed him, lets vote.

Vote yeh if your glad the Dudes back.

Vote bunk if your not glad.

Vote B-9 if you don't care either way.

Rackmaster may not vote as he has not apologized as of yet for insulting me. And besides I always thought that Rackmaster resembled Ned Beatty greatly.

I'll roll the ball!

Yeh, I'm glad he's back.

I appreciate his common sense, logical approach.

And besides that....with Dude gone, Overton and Bessy have to work double shifts to keep the pot stirred.....hope he had a good hunting trip!!!!!!!!!!!
Ransom if it weren't for us moderates you far righties and the far lefties would go Jihad on each other, we keep both of you tipped back on your bar stool so you can't swing. unless you want Hillary as your president you better be nice to us, I'm not sure we can prevent it but we can gripe along with you some.

Nick, thanks, I had a 5 point down opening morning and threw him on the horses the next day. drawing the tag is the only hard part about getting a bull in the central part of the state if you know the country at all. it would have been nice to hunt a little longer before tagging out but you don't get many big bulls here anymore so it's ok.
Huntingdude a moderate.......right.:7 And Al Gore really is worried about my kids future, Hillary wants what is best for all Americans, Bin Laden just needs a hug, and Bobcatbess is a calm 'moderate' rational low-key member of this forum.

> Ransom if it weren't for
>us moderates you far righties
>and the far lefties would
>go Jihad on each other,
>we keep both of you
>tipped back on your bar
>stool so you can't swing.
>unless you want Hillary as
>your president you better be
>nice to us, I'm not
>sure we can prevent it
>but we can gripe along
>with you some.
> Nick, thanks, I had a
>5 point down opening morning
>and threw him on the
>horses the next day. drawing
>the tag is the only
>hard part about getting a
>bull in the central part
>of the state if you
>know the country at all.
>it would have been nice
>to hunt a little longer
>before tagging out but you
>don't get many big bulls
>here anymore so it's ok.


You forgot to vote. Are you glad your back or not? Would you really hug Hillary? Is Bush stupid?
How many shots to put the bull down?

>Dude, welcome back. Glad you had
>a successful elk hunt!


For crying out loud don't get too sloppery!
Would you hug Hillary too? If you answer yes I'll die, maybe.

Thanks Eel

Pro, define moderate. people like me only seem left to people like you who are off the chart to the right. most of my friends are righties, most real lefties wouldn't let me in their house if they knew how many guns I have and what I do for a living and recreation.

I've been called worse things than a lefty but if you keep it perspective I'm a moderate, as are all the rest of the " liberals" that hang around here I suspect. it's ok though, we couldn't argue if we all agreed and that would get dull. I've checked out a few other hunting sites where it's nothing but yes men and back patting, it reminds me of Mr. Rogers Neighborhood, ok for pre schoolers but dull.
I am glad he is back. Last post i read of his was about muscle cars.

Pretty sure he has a sense of humor, and considering that nicknames seem to be a MM "thing".

I was thinking till after the 08 election we could nick name Huntingdude Hillarydude.

Hope I am not over reaching here.

Just a thought.
Ransom, did you get a bad Moon Pie? did they pull the Dukes of Hazzard off the black and white tv down there? you seem particularly ornery.




Ransom, this RACKMASTER thing really got your feelings hurt? Cut him some slack, he's a good guy! He's helped me out plenty of times.

How many times has Dude said he doesn't like Hillary? Dozens that I recall! Sheeesh, now you accuse me?????LOL!

Now boys and girls, time for the shock of your life. I am glad that Dude is back. Who else do I have to argue with. To everyone's surprise, I would still allow Dude to share my campfire as long as he brings the JD. We may decide not to discuss politics, but we would have fun discussing guns since I feel he has a good knowledge of them.
Congrats Dude on the five point elk, hope you have some good eating.
Crap guys! I'm the one who started this thread for Dude after all. Dudes better than the TV news as they don't have a sense of humor when they're wrong and Dude does. Not they he ever admits to being wrong though.
Congrats on the bull and future congrats on the Arizona buck.

It was a great party Jenn. though did notice a few less drunks than I'm used to, there's something about Utah.
Hey dude,great costume, were your legs sore after holding them like that all nite ??

Hmmmm... I'm think'n that Ransom might be the only one that was missing 'Dude in the breif time he took off to go harvest a big stinky, (congrat's on the elk, 'Dude!) that may-bee there's some kind of... uh... strange attraction going on??
Tell ya what? I respect the helk outta 'Dude's gun/hunting knowledge, 'an if truth be told, I think he plays some people here perty dang good fer the entertainment factor, which is perty funny some times! (I think I've been caught a time or two... :) I try 'an stay away from politico crapp these days... )

>Hmmmm... I'm think'n that Ransom might
>be the only one that
>was missing 'Dude in the
>breif time he took off
>to go harvest a big
>stinky, (congrat's on the elk,
>'Dude!) that may-bee there's some
>kind of... uh... strange attraction
>going on??
>Tell ya what? I respect the
>helk outta 'Dude's gun/hunting knowledge,
>'an if truth be told,
>I think he plays some
>people here perty dang good
>fer the entertainment factor, which
>is perty funny some times!
>(I think I've been caught
>a time or two... :)
>I try 'an stay away
>from politico crapp these days...


Are you trying to say your smarter than the rest of us? Your prbably right though if you stay away from poloticing. It's a disease you know. Not an attraction to Dude it's more like a doppleganger effect with me being the good twin and him the ........

>Me! Me! I vote YEH!
>And look! He stopped by my
>halloween party in his awesome
>costume, too!



Now it makes sense why you vote democrat.

>I'll roll the ball!
> Yeh, I'm glad he's back.
> I appreciate his common sense,
>logical approach.
> And besides that....with Dude gone,
>Overton and Bessy have to
>work double shifts to keep
>the pot stirred.....hope he had
>a good hunting trip!!!!!!!!!!!


I've started a new proffesion. I'm learning how to be a big time editor. This is my first attempt.

Nick says... Yeh I'm half a$$ glad that the Dude is back. The Mt. lions fell down on the job and didn't eat him.
I appreciate his opinion no matter how wrong and devoid of logic it is. Tfinal did a piss pour job helping out in the Dudes absense.
But The honorable Bobcatbess and Overton did a smash up job keeping MM alive and well during the time of calm and beauty.
Rackmaster needs to speak more polite, Bami needs a life and Beefy is a pervert. RUS is all over map and can't be tracked.
And in closing since I didn't kill an elk Dude did alright, kind of.

Please remember this is my first attempt at editing so keep any and all comments short and polite.

Man... I had a doppleganger once. Took the proc doc 'an both of his assistants to get that bad boy cut off!!

Onlyest thing I'm smarter than is a pop-top beverage can!

You know what they say about when ya see yer doppleganger, now don't ya?
What RELH said!!

?Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong, but in finding out the right and upholding it, wherever found, against the wrong.?
---Theodore Roosevelt,
Ransom, anyone who lives on opossums, coons and moon pies doesn't get to vote.
Dude, just wondering if I could possibly borrow a few bucks from you once that welfare check comes in? Seems to me that you said in a previous post that the check should be in your hand about NOV 1st. Congrats on the wapiti!
Sorry, it came and went. I needed a load of diesel and your oil barron buddys got that plus some.

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