Who is currently the best NFL team?



Just wanting thoughts on who you would rank as the best playing team in the NFL right now. Not what you think by the end of the year, but now. Also on the worst team. In my mind there is not a question that the worst team has to be Detroit. I thought St. Louis was right there with them and then they beat Washington at Washington. I think the Chiefs are right there with Detroit as well. As for the best playing team, good question, I thought the Giants were and then they lose to the Browns pretty handily. I realize the Titans are coming off a buy week but they are pretty tough right now even though I don't think they will be there in the end.
That's a tough call right now. The Giants get spanked, the Cowboys are imploding right before our very eyes, and the lowly Cardinals are playing some good football. Strange year....

Two losses that should NOT have happened, not to worry though :)

Dallas is (was) on a roll, but with Romo out............

Denver??????? Ha ha ha ha they also have a win that they shouldn't!! Anyone recall the Chargers game?? As for the best team right now, I'd have to say the Titans even though they aren't the best team, they are playing like it.
I don't know how anyone could list Denver right now. They are right in the middle of the pack right now in my opinion. The game this weekend against the Patriots will be a big test. I think Bill has the Pats ready and the Broncos lose in a close one.
If the Broncos were that good then why are they having close games? They were 3-0 when they got beat by an 0-3 team.

Last year the Giants were mediocre at best mid-season and they ended up winning the whole thing. It's anybody's guess right now. There are plenty of teams that need to step it up.
Denver is always the best team. As far as who is playing best now you could argue many different ways.

?Here?s to the hero's that Git-R-Done!!?
LAST EDITED ON Oct-19-08 AT 03:04PM (MST)[p]This weekend it might be the RAMS? I mean they did just whoop the "best team in the NFL"

oh hell, i'm laughing so hard at the misfortunes of others again....

Other than that i think the Bills are underrated.

Obviously, at 3pm on the 20th of Oct, the Tennessee team is still undefeated. Must be the best, for right now anyway.

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