Who drew NM sheep tag?



No sheep tag for me. Still waiting for the Kansas deer results, then the fall will be set.
Didn't apply for sheep but I did apply for elk. Didnt draw it either. What unit in KS did you apply for? Me and a buddy applied for a KS tag also. That will be the last drawing for me for the year. I drew a 85 rifle elk tag in Colorado.
A guy from Reno, NV drew the desert tag in NM. I'm providing him with info since I drew that same tag last year. One guy from Washington state and another from New York state drew Pecos tags. The raffle winner was from Pennsylvania and is pursuing selling the tag.
Talk about a double edged sword, drawing a transferable raffle sheep tag in NM. Would you sell it or keep it? I really can not say what I would do, could you? With a non tranferable draw tag, just go, hunt, and enjoy, but...... Keep or sell, I would feel guilty either way. Sure would make putting the kids through college easier to sell.
I don't recall the unit number, but it is the far southeast corner of the state. We will be hunting in Franklin County.
I think you have to go on the hunt. It is one of my big hunting dreams to go on a Rocky Mountain sheep hunt.
If it were me, I'd sell it to pay for several hunts in Alaska. I still think its wrong to be able to sell that tag. That makes it more like a lottery for 30-50K.

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