who drew Beaver late goat tags?


Anyone draw the Beaver late hunt? How many points did it take? Thought I had a pretty good chance but I guess I'll have to wait until I'm absolutely guaranteed. Wish Utah would post 2013 draw odds so I can start planning next falls adventures.
Did he put in for a different hunt the previous year? As far as I could tell, 15 points would have been max points with only 4 guys going for 5 bonus tags. I'm 1 behind that.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-25-13 AT 11:09AM (MST)[p]There are plenty of guys just buying points and not putting in. And then they put in and draw their tag. Those points list are always changing...
30hart nailed it. My dad has been doing points only the last 6 years, before that he had been applying to the timpanogos unit. I will also add that those reports often have errors---like I know what unit I applied for with so many points and they don't show that anyone applied for that unit with my points(or in some cases with 1 point +/-). So I always read the reports with a hint of skepticism.
Good luck though, you should be really close.

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