Who does the other jobs?


Long Time Member
I'm just wondering who does the regular work in Utah? Who flips the burgers? Who pounds the nails? Drills the wells? Runs the backhoe? Sells shoes? Because it obvious to me that every guy in Utah is a wildlife biologist.

Maybe they need Arizona to build a bridge to get the illegals directly to Utah so someone will do the work. Otherwise nothings gonna get done except saving the states mule deer.

We just need to have the utah dwr manage terrorists. They will be extinct in no time.

I'll tell you who it was . . . it was that D@MN Sasquatch!
Please don't tell my Mom I work in the Oilfield!

She thinks I'm a Piano Player in a WhoreHouse in Fallon Nevada!:D

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!

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