Who delivers - Gun safes


Long Time Member
I know this topic was discussed a few months back. However, can any of you recommend a good gun safe that can be delivered?

I don't want one dropped off in front of my house. I am looking for a company that will carry it in and place it in my house.

Thanks for your help!!!
I actually had a moving company deliver mine. It's a load for sure but easy for them to put it in my garage. They mentioned they did one for a guy - upstairs in his house!!

Thanks for the help. Not sure if a company wants to deliver one where I live. I guess I better start do some calling and
I would check with Heritage Safe, in Grace, ID. They build an awesome safe and are realitively close to you but I don't know for sure about the delivery process.
I just bought one from Hammerbacks Guns and Safes in Brigham city, (had to, drug-using stepson is out of jail), and they delivered and set it up for $150 extra. They even shoveled my walk. Good price, good guys.

"My sickle has a boattail"
"hidden soles leave .308 holes"
LAST EDITED ON Jan-19-10 AT 00:12AM (MST)[p]You could talk to a few moving companies; they do that stuff for a living. However, in all the military moves I have made, I only found reason to trust one moving company. I suspect safe companies would be a better deal for you, certainly on the delivery end.

Side note....I used to be in great shape when I was lifting competitively; even moved my 1100lb gun safe by myself, with lots of help from a 1500lb appliance dolly and some 1" oak dowel rods (rolled just like butter). Slow and sure was my motto.

Until that day.....I was moving it around in my storage shed (waiting to move into my house)on the dolly when I goofed up, big time. I didn't clear my space and tripped. As I was falling backwards, watching the safe move ever so closer, I could see myself in a chair for the rest of my life. The only thing that stopped the safe were two 20mm ammo cans. I could feel the safe grazing the hairs on my kneecap.

I sat there for awhile, awash in my stupidity at not clearing my path. Then I called up some SEAL buddies and offered them beer and breakfast to help move it upright.

Next time I moved, thanks to the Navy, I used a Case 580 backhoe; every time after that I called a moving company (to help me load it in the UHAUL van) and never regretted it. They know exactly what it takes to move the safe from point A to the UHAUL truck. Upon arrival at my new duty station, I bribed the guys at my unit to help me unload it.

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
Call Champion safes in Provo/orem area. I bought 40gun from them a year ago and it is an awesome safe. fire rating is 1500f for 1.5 hours. I picked the safe up at their place but I am pretty sure they deliver for a fee.
>Thanks again!
>One more questions: Are there any
>safes that you do not

Not what I don't like in the way of safes, but, this link gives some good info on safe selection.


Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
I am looking at Cannon and Champion... Are there other brands
you recommend instead?

Open to suggestions. There are so many options. I am pretty
much resigned to a "curbside" delivery.

I have already looked at a few (cabelas and sportsmans). Most are nice, but nothing has stood out.

Biggest needs are rifle capacity.

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