Who called in sick today?


OK - who is playing hooky from work today?

Who was truly affected by this at their work place today?


Gays, lesbians urged to call in sick
December 10, 2008

Some employees might be calling in sick today, and not because of a cold or the flu.

The idea of a "Day Without A Gay" is modeled after similar protests by Latino immigrants. The idea is for gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgenders to call in sick to prove they would be missed.

"Without the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender population of the country, infrastructure suffers greatly," said Doug Jennings with Utah Pride.

He does not know how many gays will stay home. But he knows it won't be easy to call in sick.

"Ultimately it's up to the individual. We think people understand what their work environments are like and whether they can take that kind of a risk with their employer," he said.

Gay students are urged not to call in sick.

The "Day Without A Gay" coincides with the International Human Rights Day. The protest is aimed at California's ban on same-sex marriage, along with other political policies considered anti-gay.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
OH NO! I called in sick! I didn't know about this! What will they think of me at the office now? No WONDER Natalie called me and asked if I wanted a ride on her Harley. Crap. I'm gonna take some Immodium and just chance it. Goin' in to the office. Later!
No Jenn - it's already been done! Just use the time and go visit cousin Jamie - she called in too!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Well being the lesbian that i am, i called off too. ;-)

A birdie told me a "Smoke Belcher" with a wheeler in the back and a sticker in the back window that says "THE WILDERNESS IS MY RACE TRACK" was seen going through the basin this morning not headed to work. HMMMMMM ?
Hmmmm...no one called in sick today around here; that's actually unusual. One old boy left this afternoon for a dentist appointment; tomorrow I'm going to have to give him some grief about that...

Unintended consequences, but I'm thinking that if anything, the gay-out actually upped the body turn out...

Maybe we should have more gay outs... ;-)
Well, I have to fess up. I have been sick all week with the flu... So, I go to the doctors today and everyone was acting wierd.. At 2pm today I get a call from the boss. Nothing unusual.. He has been asking how im doing and checkin in all week.. Then he proceeds to tell me that today is "call in gay" day.. and starts laughing.. then if that isn't bad enough.. Everyone at work is laughin at me.. They think its "REAL" funny... Bastages.. To top it off, founder calls me and starts in too. Can't a guy just be sick without being gay?


Later, Brandon
WOW! I just got home from work and noticed this! Honest!


President Obama and Congress should leave gun rights alone. It's above their pay grade.
I think taking a gay day is fine if you use it for hunting! But - does that mean we get a straight day too?

I think all straight people should take a day off too to see how much we are missed. Oh wait, I guess we do that already, it is called Saturday and Sunday.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
I'm wondering when those Gays return to work the next day if they will have a "pink slip" waiting for them. Pun intended!!!

PIPER, my cousin is wanting to know if you called in sick!!

Your a lesbian also Slam?
Same here.. I must be.. I like all the same things they do..
except I quit riding Harleys years ago since I decided I would rather live for a while.. I never was responsibile enough to behave myself on a motorcycle.


HEY Brow!!!





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