


So I never made it up north last season and I am really wanting to make a weeklong trip this year to try my hand at a whitetail. I'm thinking about the last week of November. I don't know if I will miss the peak of the rut, as I haven't found any info to pin down the peak. Also I don't know how far north I need to go. I was thinking maybe east of Moscow. If anybody can give me some info because I've never hunted up there, and I like to be prepared and have a game plan more solid than "just go north and hunt" Thanks guys!
That week is always a good week to hunt, they are rutting good by then and anywhere east of moscow holds alot of deer. jeremy
Jeremy, thanks for the info. Somebody was tellin me about potlatch property. Do I need to buy a permit to hunt there or is there plenty of state and federal land to hunt on?
you are supposed to but there is plenty of area to hunt up there, and there is state land mix up between the potlatch land to and plenty of forest service land. jeremy

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We focus on trophy elk, mule deer, whitetail, bear, lion and wolf hunts and spend hundreds of hours scouting.

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