white mtn. ram


Active Member
any pics. of white mtn. ram taken by a person name butch or any other of the tag holders. just interested because I put in for this tag ( didnt draw). congrats to the 3 tag holders. B.A.C.
Here are a couple of pictures. Butch Kuflak (auction tag) taken @ 12,600 ft and Danny O'Connell (general tag) taken @ 13,400 ft.
It was a fun adventure.



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Wow!!! 13,400 feet...........do you know if these are the highest desert sheep?? Beautiful rams. Good job. What does the second one score ???


"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote."
--Benjamin Franklin 1759
Awesome rams and great pictures. Do you have more pictures of either of them? That second ram is an interesting looking old bugger. Is the top one east side or west?

Thanks for sharing.
moses: thanks for posting pics. A friend of mine lives in lonepine he will enjoy seeing these. B.A.C. congrats to the hunters.
Butch sure got a pretty ram. What is that about his 13th or 14th desert?? That other one is a freak...more pics please!!!
WOW! Great rams. I had no idea desert sheep got up that high. Looks more like RM bighorn country.

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