White Coaches/Black Coaches


Long Time Member
Anyone get as sick as me about ESPN reporting on how white coaches get the better jobs and get paid more than black coaches? I'm so damn sick of it. They never bring up the logic backing WHY some coaches, whether white or black, get paid more or less than the others. They don't bother to break down how much some teams have to spend, how much experience some coaches have and how dedicated some coaches may be to the job. If they're going to do a story on something so debateable....I'd hope they'd debate BOTH sides of the equation!!

I got put in time out for a bad signature! Sorry Founder...
ESPN loves to write about racial crap...remember when Lebron left and they reported nearly half the whites in the country instantly hated him but they still like Roethlisberger?? Name anyone in the top five hated sports personalities who isn't black?? ESPN at their finest...

Coaches get contracts according to performance expectence based on prior records, style, and performance...

I have a dream that one day all professional sports teams will be required to have equal amounts of all races. Whites, blacks, hispanics, asians, indians, etc....each team will be required to have one of each to make things fair.

I don't know why they aren't already? Are sports teams exempt from the equal rights act? Medical school has to allow so many minorities, police acadamies, etc.....minorities get hired by the federal government easier than anyone else, why not make sports teams follow the same rule?
How about Red coaches?

Here's a brown coach.

A black coach with a big deck.

A black coach that can swim.

And here's an old fashioned Coach.
Smitty- You can't be serious......

I got put in time out for a bad signature! Sorry Founder...
Check out the Patriots roster, more white guys than I've ever seen in the last 20 years on a team. Belichek has corrected the balance with a white receiver, all pro and a white running back. I think he's racist and just trying to keep his job by playing white guys.
No, I think its cuz black people don't like the snow. Honestly, how many black people have you seen in the Northeast?

I do think that Belichek is a cousin of David Duke though. :)

I got put in time out for a bad signature! Sorry Founder...

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