Whiskey for my man, beer for my horses.


Long Time Member
Yesturday I saddled up the horses and me and the wife went on down to the local pub for a cool one. When we got there the bartender welcomed us in. All of us!!!



Bellied up at the bar!



Turned out to be a good time! fatrooster.
Love it Rooster! Glad there were not "accidents" while in the bar.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
LAST EDITED ON Sep-25-09 AT 04:20PM (MST)[p]LOL...thats cool !

So...Who drove home? :)


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Nope, not Wyoming, Nevada. And yes Killowatt, my wife and her family owne the bar so I did have an inside advantage, ha ha. fatrooster.
LiL Rooster you have a fine looking horse under ya. Looks like you and the wife had a good evening and that is what counts now days.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Drew, that is very cool! There's something you don't see every day.


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
Rooster, I am an unofficial nevada bar expert and I cant say as ive been to that one... wheres it at I could use a drink...
It's all fun and games until the horses go with the one beer in one beer out principle. :cool:

NVJOHN, the Watering Hole is in Spring Creek, Nevada accross the street from the Scoreboard sports bar and grill. We have a big buck contest every year that is one hell of a great day.


This pic is from our 2008 Big Buck contest. fatrooster.
Fatrooster- you are quite the character. I can't wait for the buck contest. It is definately a great time. Hope I have something big to enter this year. It's going to be tough to beat the one in those pics you sent me. Oh well, just gives me something to shoot for. By the way, is it illegal to drink and ride? LMAO
fatrooster: From the looks of the first pic, you and the missus have the beer, but at least one of the horses is trying to sip a shot!!:)Brought back a great memory...once while Mom and Dad were away, we kids brought our favorite horse into the front room to watch TV with us!!:)
I thought you might appreciate this one (although it is photoshopped). A couple years ago my 85 yr. old Dad fell from his horse and broke his pelvis during a cattle roundup. While he was going throuh rehab preparing to get well enough for the Fall deer hunt, he would stop over at the local casino... hence my sister came up with this one for him captioned: "Meanwhile, we'll be waiting!":)
NVPETE, thanks for sharing. Sounds like your Dad is quite a character. Still on the roundup at 85, wow!
I wanted to ride my horse into the bar but the floor was to slippery. Maybe I will another time. fatrooster.

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