While rummaging...


Long Time Member
...through the freezer yesterday morn, I came across this T-Bone. The date on the Ziploc was June 2019, so I figured it was about time to eat it. :rolleyes:

It ate just fine with fries, salad, fresh beans & a glass of red zin.


T-bone was my Dad’s favorite. Chicken fried…….he floured and fried everything, in a cast iron frying pan, and you damn well better not wash it with soap!!!!
T-bones are decent, especially when they're on sale.

I basically quit using the gas grill outside. The one above was done with a grill pan. I brush the meat with olive oil, add some salt & pepper, then cook hot & quick. That one was about 3 mins. per side.

Mine is similar to this one...

Well…..whatever your doing always looks good.
I'm dejected right now.

My favorite wife needed to go to Safeway for more on sale ground beef since I used all we had in my meatballs. Of course, I requested a dozen clams.

They were all out of stock until manana.

You eat T-Bone and clams and you'll probably out live us all Tony.
I'm making up for lost time with the raw clams. Before I discovered that Safeway was selling them a little over a year ago, the last time I ate any was about 1960 on the boardwalk in Seaside Heights, NJ -- the same weekend I met my wife.
One of our local stores sells clam cutlets. They're a deep water clam from the east coast. I buy a half pound once in awhile and fry them up like a razor clam. An egg wash and saltine cracker crumbs. Pretty darn good,
One of our local stores sells clam cutlets. They're a deep water clam from the east coast. I buy a half pound once in awhile and fry them up like a razor clam. An egg wash and saltine cracker crumbs. Pretty darn good,
I like fried clams & clam chowder, too, but eating the Littlenecks raw on the half shell with lemon & hot sauce is sort of a treat.

Ellen thinks they're disgusting. She won't eat clams or oysters no matter how they are prepared. I was shocked when she started eating calamari in Mexico many years ago. She still scarfs it up when I make it.

Many years ago, KOA invited my buddy in MD & I to one of their camp grand openings near Lake Okeechobee in Fla. The first night we were there, they served up a feast with about every seafood available to man. They had trays of raw oysters, clams & those spendy crab claws from the Fla. area. Even had alligator & paddlefish. We pigged out on the shellfish.
I like fried clams & clam chowder, too, but eating the Littlenecks raw on the half shell with lemon & hot sauce is sort of a treat.

Ellen thinks they're disgusting. She won't eat clams or oysters no matter how they are prepared. I was shocked when she started eating calamari in Mexico many years ago. She still scarfs it up when I make it.

Many years ago, KOA invited my buddy in MD & I to one of their camp grand openings near Lake Okeechobee in Fla. The first night we were there, they served up a feast with about every seafood available to man. They had trays of raw oysters, clams & those spendy crab claws from the Fla. area. Even had alligator & paddlefish. We pigged out on the she

Oysters are grown here in Humboldt Bay and are quite popular. I ate a raw oyster 40 years ago and that was enough for me. Yuck! My dad loved oyster omelet, but he ate porcupine liver too.
Oysters are grown here in Humboldt Bay and are quite popular. I ate a raw oyster 40 years ago and that was enough for me. Yuck! My dad loved oyster omelet, but he ate porcupine liver too.
It takes a real man to slurp down raw clams & oysters. ;)


Do you like them cooked, like in Oysters Rockefeller?
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The only reason we always get back to talking about eating oysters is because there is nothing more disgusting we can think of. If there was anything worse nobody would ever mention the damn things.
The only reason we always get back to talking about eating oysters is because there is nothing more disgusting we can think of. If there was anything worse nobody would ever mention the damn things.
My wife tried one when she heard oysters were an aphrodisiac. She decided she didn't like sex that much.
That’s a woman worth investing in, any woman willing to even try, for your sake, has potential. I’m guessing she proved up just fine!!!
That’s a woman worth investing in, any woman willing to even try, for your sake, has potential. I’m guessing she proved up just fine!!!
The fact that I mix some of this into my brownie recipe helps. She loves my brownies. It's our secret 2Lumpy....shhhhh!

So…….. if I were to holler, “Hi Leafly” from across the room, I’m gonna tip her off?

If you ever get sent to the corner by Founder, your new login will be Purple Panty Dropper? You know……. this is just like you, always planning ahead.

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