Which #####?


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Sep-29-08 AT 07:47AM (MST)[p]You are stuck in an elevator for 3 hours. Which one of these people would you most like to be stuck in there with? Which would you be most dislike?

Richard Branson
Richard Burton
Richard Pryor
Richard Nixon
Richard Gere
Like: Richard Pryor, get some good laughs in. Dislike: Richard Gere, wouldn't want to watch him break out the gerbal. You all know what i'm talking about!
"Gerbilectomy" that was a funny read.

Hey F'dude, what put you onto this topic ?
Ya, wake up this morning thinkin bout D!cks ? }>
I had a weird dream last night. This millionaire guy wanted to be a movie star but caught himself on fire doing coke instead. After that he was to ugly for Hollywood so he went in to politics, which brought to mind Watergate and deepthroat, which in turn led to Richard Gere. I hate trying to figure out what dreams mean
Interesting thought process there F'dude. :)

Proly then thought bout postin it @ MM cause there's several
fellers here that act like D!cks.

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