Which UT mnt ranges have Mnt. Goats?


Active Member
Don't have any experience looking for Mnt. Goats and would like to go see I can catch a glimps of some. I know there are some on Timp and at the bottom of Little Cottonwood. Where else can they be found?

Would love to get some pics, but not sure if there are any around that you don't need climbing gear.


If you find yourself north of Ogden I have been watching quite a few goats on willard peak and would like to drive up closer to take some photos so if you like let me know and we can drive up the back side and take a small hike over to where I have been watching the goats

Clynt L Citte
Willard Ut
Hey gdog, there are a whole bunch of goats (12 - 15 that we have seen) on the backside of Mapleton Mountain. There isn't a hunt up there because the DWR refuses to believe there are goats that have crossed over from the Provo Peak area, but trust me, they are there. We saw 3 of them crossing the Hobble Creek golf course two years ago, it was very ODD.

Let me know if you want more specific info.

Shelby- The DWR does know about the goats on Maple and they know that the goats are migrating off Provo Peak. This is what they want. Because of current Forest Service policy, it is illegal for the DWR to transplant goats onto Nebo. If the goats migrate naturally onto Nebo then that is OK. The hope is that the goats continue south until there is an established herd on Nebo.

"There isn't a hunt up there because the DWR refuses to believe there are goats..." You seem to infer that the DWR is too dumb to realize there are goats South of Provo peak and that the DWR should issue permits. That is dead wrong. If they hunted those goats then they may not make it to where they are wanted.

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