Which Range Finder would you buy ?


Active Member
My Leica 1200 that I’ve had for prob 6-7 years isn’t ranging very well lately. Especially in open country. Any recommendations on a specific model that’s performing well ? Wanting to stay with just a range finder not the Bino / rangefinder combo. Thx
I have been using the G7 for 8 to 10 years, extremely accurate with downloaded Dope, it’s probably bigger than most but I’m not getting a new one.
More than likely most range finders use the same internal parts. Not sure how you would find out but all laser range finders basically work the same. When you push the button they emit a laser beam. The high speed clock measures the time it took the beam to hit an object and return. It then calculates the distance and displays it to the user. I suspect the difference in cost is in the outside shell. There is no reason the less expensive units are not just as accurate as the high end units.
I have the sig 2200 and love it. I must say though my brother has got the vortex 4000 razor and that thing is pretty sweet. Out does my sig and the warranty is unbeatable.
I've been looking for some range finding binos for a lot of the day today. for under 1700, the Sig 5000's and the Vortex Fury HDs are looking pretty good. Skittish about the Vortex as I have an HD spotting scope that always seems a bit blurry around the edges. Might be my eyeball, I don't know. Recently sent it off to Vortex and they went through it and purged and refilled the nitrogen and made an adjustment to the body of the thing. Great people to work with, no doubt about that. There Customer service is second to none.

Sigs get good reviews as well.
Why buy only one ? I have been using the G Seven since the came out. Great unit. Their new unit is smaller. I just bought a Sig 2400 abs. In my opinion that is the Sig to get. I also have the Sig 2200 BDX. The problem with it is only does calculations out to 800 yards. Works great blue toothed to the scope. Kind of fun and different. The Leica rang finder bino's are great as well. But you can only store one gun specs in it at a time.
I have the Sig Kilo5K. It is pretty sweet. It is unreal how fast it ranges and how far. It can work with Base map and put a pin on the map when you range a deer or elk. It can also blue tooth to a scope or an app on your phone, that you can put the ballistics of any gun on it. It also has a fog setting, so if it is smokey like last year it will still work.
I had an opportunity to demo the new Gunwerks BR4 Revx rangefinder earlier this year. Its much smaller than the G7 BR2, more the size of the Sigs. I was ranging out 3000 yards with no problem. If I trade in my BR2 that would be the choice.....unless I sale a kidney and I'll go with the new Swaro EL Rangefinder Binos.
If it’s in your budget the new Revic BR4 is about as good as it gets. Picked one up this year after running the SIG 2400 the last couple years. So far I’m very impressed. That being said the Leica 2800 and the new sig kilo 5000 are solid units also.
The Leica bino/rangefinder combo is totally amazing. Why do you want to lug around both binos plus a rangefinder?
The Leica bino/rangefinder combo is totally amazing. Why do you want to lug around both binos plus a rangefinder?
I’m honestly not a fan of rangefinding binos. Handy for sure but just feel akward in the hand for me. I ran the zeiss victory RF for a season and they were nice but I just can’t live without my swaro NLs at this point.
Coloboy, you may want to check out a pair of Leica rangefinder-binos. They are crystal clear and it only takes a fraction of a second to press a button and know the range rather than jumping back and forth between binos and a rangefinder. Sometimes fractions of seconds are the difference between getting off a shot and watching a critter head over the horizon. The Leicas also have the benefit of being able to compensate for steep down and uphill shots. It sure is nice not having to juggle and carry both around your neck!
Zeiss rangefinding binoculars with ballistic calculator. Close enough to my kestrel for long range hunting.
Coloboy, you may want to check out a pair of Leica rangefinder-binos. They are crystal clear and it only takes a fraction of a second to press a button and know the range rather than jumping back and forth between binos and a rangefinder. Sometimes fractions of seconds are the difference between getting off a shot and watching a critter head over the horizon. The Leicas also have the benefit of being able to compensate for steep down and uphill shots. It sure is nice not having to juggle and carry both around your neck!
I imagine they are nice but I can’t imagine giving up my Swaro NL 12’s for anything at this point and the Revic BR4 is the best rangefinder I’ve ever ran. I used to carry a kestrel along with my sig 2400 because I didn’t always trust it’s ballistic solutions where I don’t even question the Revic when it gives me a solution. So I guess I’ve saved myself some weight there… Carries pretty nice in a Marsupial harness in my opinion.
I just got the new Sig 8k, I have not even had time to mess with it yet. Should be a fun toy with the Basemap integration dropping a pin where you ranged.
The Leica bino/rangefinder combo is totally amazing. Why do you want to lug around both binos plus a rangefinder?
because last I checked years ago when they first came out their rangefinding binos only had a five year warranty.
Even with 0 warranty wouldn’t prevent me from buying the best set of bino-combos made! Definitely worth every penny! They are that good and a relief not having to carry and switch back and forth between both.

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