Which range finder entry/ mid level

LAST EDITED ON Nov-10-09 AT 10:54AM (MST)[p]I have been using my LRF for years and it works great. The new model is faster, waterproof and fits in your shirt pocket... From my experience you won't be sorry with a Leica rangefinder. NJS
I have the new Nikon 550 Rifle Hunter ($279.00) with the angle compensation and just love it. Fairly small also. I used it during two recent hunts and it ranges out past 600 yards nicely. Also note that I was hunting with two guys that both have Leica LFR 1200's and they both kept asking me what the shooting distance was to the bucks we were ranging. I know Leica makes an awesome range finder but having the horizontal distance at longer yardages and steep angles is crucial to making the shot. At the angle we were ranging at the Leicas were reading 318 yards and my Nikon horizontal distance was giving us a reading of 258 yards. That's a 60 yard difference!!! Considerable in my book! I was told by the Leica rep at one of the outdoor shows that they will be coming out with an angle compensating range finder in the near future. Good Luck choosing a range finder.
cpugsie...what sort of target will your Nikon give a 600 yard reading off of? How far can you get a reading off of a deer? tree? building?

John 14:6
Stay away from Leupold, they have too many problems with their lasers and get inconsistent readings. If you don't believe me spend some time doing searches on some forums.

To my suprise I have been reading about too many people having problems with their Leica's lately. I was of the opinion they where the best value and right there with Swaro for being the best no matter what price.

I have used a Nikon 1200 for 6 years. we shoot alot of long range and I use it ALL the time shooting in the BLM by my house. My friend has the 900 yard version, which is much more compact. They have been ULTRA reliable, have a great cross hair, versus Leica's square box reticle, and are very reasonably priced, probably find the 900 for under $300.

If you bow hunt the angle compensator may really be a benefit, but to my knowledge for longer range it typically wont make a big enough effect, plus I don't know of one that will range more than 300 yards that is any good yet. Must be a reason Nikon only has it on their lower range model. Other than Leica and Swaro, don't expect to range more than about 70% of the listed range unless it is overcast, calm, and you have a VW Bus that you are ranging.
I think folks have problems getting longer ranges with the Leica's because they are quite small and require being held rock steady... the larger units are easier to hold still, epically when using two hands. The Leica's are a one hand operation - or rest/hold it on a tripod, tree, fencepost, etc... NJS

P.S. For rifle hunting the angle compensation is not that critical with most modern rifle cartridges. MHO...

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