Which pictures are Bush?


Long Time Member
>Are we allowed to make monkey
>comparisons with Obama?

Of course not, that would be "racist"!
>>Are we allowed to make monkey
>>comparisons with Obama?
>Of course not, that would be

Someone might even get nuked for that....Oh wait...


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-21-09 AT 09:51PM (MST)[p]

Edit- i took down my pic, because i was informed that some one got the boot, for posting a similar pic.

If you compare anyone to a chimp i might think your prejudiced agains his personality or intelligence, but you're still prejudice.

the book seems to have two sets of rules. You can compare one guy to an ape but not the other? Can i compare this other guy to azz cheeks? or maybe flounder? You make up the rules as you go, so when you decide what i can compare him to, let me know.

Alot of these are floating around the internet lately. And they're hilarious. I love "missing link" type posts and comparing people's intelligence and skill level to that of monkeys.

I do not; however, believe the pictures of Michelle Obama or President Obama compared to monkeys are racist. Sure, they COULD be construed as racist because of a certain racial slur, but in this context as of late, the pics are NOT racist. The people who have posted this stuff really have not had racist intentions.
That would be a racist post if it was Bush next to a Saltine....next to a Keebler Cracker....or a Ritz.

It is not racist if you put Bush next to a picture of a chicken drumstick....a stolen television.....or a bottle of Jerry-Curl! THAT WOULD NOT BE RACIST!!

...someone had a little too much time on their hands. Probably pizzed that their welfare check was late...
I deleted the pictures comparing Obama's wife to a monkey. It struck me as a racist jab. Whether is was intended that way or not, I don't know.??? I took it that way and I believe the vast mojority would have also.
Please do not post those type of pictures on my website.


Brian Latturner
LAST EDITED ON Jan-22-09 AT 10:34AM (MST)[p]>I deleted the pictures comparing Obama's
>wife to a monkey. It
>struck me as a racist
>jab. Whether is was intended
>that way or not, I
>don't know.??? I took it
>that way and I believe
>the vast mojority would have
>Please do not post those type
>of pictures on my website.
>Brian Latturner

Then whats the deal with the pics in this post? Oh yeah, he's white it's different. Edit....I know its your site, but seeing color in one picture and defining it as racisim and not in another when it's a different color skin is the definition of racisim. Just looking for a clear set of rules.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
Guys, There ARE different rules. Deal with it. Blacks have a different history in this country than whites. It is fact. There are still deep issues today. Comparing Bush to a monkey is NOT the same as comparing Obama to a monkey. And yes, it is because he is black. It IS seen as racist to do so. Again, grow up and deal with it. I never had slaves or segregated anyone, but that doesn't mean that I shouldn't be sensitive to feelings created by years of inequity. Now, I am talking about courtesy, not affirmative action or any of that crap.

Comparing a black man to a monkey IS hurtful and does appear VERY racist to most people. Comparing bush to a monkey is funny. YES there is a double standard, life is not fair.

You're hired as my official spokesman Andyman!
Really, exactly what Andyman said.
Thank you!!!

Brian Latturner
>Guys, There ARE different rules. Deal
>with it. Blacks have a
>different history in this country
>than whites. It is fact.
>There are still deep issues
>today. Comparing Bush to a
>monkey is NOT the same
>as comparing Obama to a
>monkey. And yes, it is
>because he is black. It
>IS seen as racist to
>do so. Again, grow up
>and deal with it. I
>never had slaves or segregated
>anyone, but that doesn't mean
>that I shouldn't be sensitive
>to feelings created by years
>of inequity. Now, I am
>talking about courtesy, not affirmative
>action or any of that
>Comparing a black man to a
>monkey IS hurtful and does
>appear VERY racist to most
>people. Comparing bush to a
>monkey is funny. YES there
>is a double standard, life
>is not fair.

Well as long as you guy's are willing to except a double standard and just say "oh well thats the way it is", No one will ever have equality. As long as blacks and other race's are allowed to make fun of whites at will there will be people on the other side who view it as a double standard and "reverse racisim". Its ok in rap videos, on SNL, in mainstream tv and magazines, even on this site, but if someone drop a N bomb or makes a funny Obama/Ape picture you guy's cry fowl. You cant whine and cry racisim has to stop and then imply that because of one race's past it gives them a free ticket to make all the racist jokes they want about another.

P.S. I'm not tryin to imply Ransom is black either.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
All this discussion and still nobody has answered the original question.

Bush is the one on the left.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-22-09 AT 03:11PM (MST)[p]Because I have one of these---and they had to issue me one or i would have sued them for racial discrimination, i am allowed to make fun! I highly recomend ya'll get one!



edit-I only cut my face out because one of ya'll would paste it on BHWR's body......not cool!
>AT 03:11?PM (MST)

>Because I have one of these---and
>they had to issue me
>one or i would have
>sued them for racial discrimination,
>i am allowed to make
>fun! I highly recomend ya'll
>get one!


>edit-I only cut my face out
>because one of ya'll would
>paste it on BHWR's body......not

Tag, was that photo taken at LDS or the point of the mountain?
Damn you 1911.....you'd think i'd remember, but its a toss up (as I spend too much time in both)....i'll say it was taken at LDS Hosptial in the MSICU.

Gosh dang injuns can get away with anything on this web site!


<smiley face>


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