Which party is racist?????????????


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Pew Survey: 23% of White Dems not for Obama Think He's Muslim, Disapprove of Interracial Dating....

Hmmm, I'm confused. I though conservatives were the intolerant, racist, Islamophobes?.....

In particular, white Democrats who hold unfavorable views of Obama are much more likely than those who have favorable opinions of him to say that equal rights for minorities have been pushed too far; they also are more likely to disapprove of interracial dating, and are more concerned about the threat that immigrants may pose to American values. In addition, nearly a quarter of white Democrats (23%) who hold a negative view of Obama believe he is a Muslim.

"Thanks climate PhD 202" - TFinalshot Feb-05-08, 02:16 PM (MST)
Neither. But both parties do have racists in them as well as homophobic, pedophiles, and about everything else you can imagine. Its not the party folks, its the people. Labeling one party one thing and the another something else isn't real logical.
What party is for affirmative action? And don't tell me that affirmative action does'nt exist anymore.
This is THE most racist policy i have ever heard of.
For years, the Democratic Party has accused the conservatives of being racist.
Conservatives want real equal opportunity, and the Democrats have pushed a policy called ?equal opportunity? that, in fact, creates unequal opportunity and is therefore racist.
During the current primary season, the truth about political racism is starting to unfold.
The Clinton campaign has tried to use Osama?s race against him over and over. Every chance they get, Clinton operatives remind the white voters of Obama?s race. They subtly suggest ?psst, your about to nominate a black guy?.
They are not targeting the blatant, intentional racist, but rather stir up racial distrust, suspicion and latent racism among otherwise good people. This is the worst type of racism. Every time the press calls her on it, some campaign worker like Geraldine Ferro falls on her sword to give Hillary some cover.
Are Bill and Hillary racist ? I doubt it, but they are clearly using racism in this election.

Obama is a different racist, but the problem is still there. While on the surface he doesn't appear to be anything of the sort, his attendance of Rev. Wright's church services for twenty years suggest otherwise.
The garbage we have all herd this ?pastor? spew is just as bad as the racial hatred coming from the KKK. Before you give Obama a pass because he gave a nice speech ask your self this;
If you were thinking about voting for a republican because he was eloquent and seemed statesman like, but then you discovered he had been attending Klu Klux Klan meetings for twenty years, would you still vote for him ?

The modern Democratic Party IS the party of racism, there is no question about that.
202 being from Texas myself I have seen first hand that the Democratic party are the some of the biggest racist. They only promise crap to the minorities just so they will stay dependent.
Pete I just knew you had to be from Texas. LoL. Maybe you and 202 could get together. Three great Americans Bush, 202 and Pete all legends in their own minds.
I'll trade brain pans with you any day buddy.....And I won't even brake a sweat. But it may take me some time to lower my IQ so you would understand what I may be saying.....Cornholer!!!!!
I think 202 is a boring knothead.

Does that make me a liberal racist???

No it does not RUS.

Everyone here is entitles to their opinion no matter how wrong it is :) LMAO

Boring??? If it were not for me, T and Hdude there would not be this wonderful forum called "Sportsmans Political Talk"

"Thanks climate PhD 202" - TFinalshot Feb-05-08, 02:16 PM (MST)
Did it ever occur to anyone Obama could be at Wright's black church or at a KKK ralley and be just as welcome?

His mother is white, just how radical of a racist can he be? it would be interesting to see if this would be as big of deal if he looked more white than black.
Peteee says to me

"I'll trade brain pans with you any day buddy.....And I won't even brake a sweat."

I'm assuming that he means brains since the brain pan is simply the bottom part of the skull that supports the brain. Now follow along here just for the fun of it. How many of you having knowingly traded for something that was supposedly worse? None right!
So the Sylogistic Premise of this Peteee is that you are willing to trade something inferior for something superior. Usually the way it goes when someone offers a trade. Like I said before 202,Bush, and Petee legends in their own minds. Although I do appreciate you 202 and even agree although it hurts sometimes.
> > His mother is white, just
>how radical of a racist
>can he be?

H-dude, I'm surprised at YOU, judging people by the color of their skin.
The real problem is WHY did Obama attend this church for twenty years. I mean, if not a racist, then what is he ? WHY did he put up with Rev. Wrights racism, WHY did he (Obama) subject his family to it ?
As an aspiring politician, WHY did he allow himself to be affiliated with all of the paranoid lies and racial hatred ?

I can only think of two possible answers.

#1 Obama IS a paranoid raciest
#2 He is incredibly stupid

Either way, I don't want him in the White House, do you ?
How are you sure Obama was around when some of the racist remarks were said? remember that video was from 10 years of clips. I'm not saying he wasn't there but I can't prove he was either. my point is he's as white as he is black, why would he be a radcal like a black pather as he's made out to be? it makes no sense. I'm a little more white than indian so should I think putting a bounty back on indians is a good idea? I even look more white so why not right? this whole thing makes no sense to me.

I'm not sure if I want Obama in the whitehouse or not, all I'm sure of is it won't be up to me anyway.
I think that Obama finally admitted he was present during some of the sermons when his minister made some of the racist remarks. He has tried to state that they were not meant the way most persons have taken them and stated he can not disown his minister or words to that effect.
Someone correct me if I am wrong, but at first he denied knowing about the racist sermons, but after enought people expressed total disbelief on that statement, he then owned up to being present at some of the sermons and tried to downplay them.

Niether party is racist as a whole, but each party has members who are racist.
Raptor is right - however the Democratic party leaders have shown to have the most racial bias. From KKK members to the now famous Rev Wright - along with the Sharptons and the Jacksons. Yet they are still strong leaders in the party.

If any was a Republician party member the media would destroy their political career - can anyone say Double Standard?
What's been impressive to me is how well the Obama/Dem camp has kept Wright under wraps. Haven't heard a word from this guy.

Take a kid hunting. You will enjoy it more than they do!

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