Which One??


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Feb-27-09 AT 07:39AM (MST)[p]So, fate has it that you're stranded on a large island without much chance of being rescued. Pick one of the 4 hunting show co hosts which along with you, be the only other person on that island.

Tiffany, of Lee and... she don't cook!

Vicki, archers choice...sassy!

Jodie, from Higher ground outdoors... Oh so sweet!

Louise Shockey... Nothing but class

LAST EDITED ON Feb-27-09 AT 07:56AM (MST)[p]Tiffany or Jodie! both hotties
imagine the horror of being stranded with Bill Urseth. You know who his "Quest For The One" would be :)
Hey Feleno, I love all your posts but now i am wondering about you. Why would you want to be stranged by Bill ?
I think they are all hot guys. I might be a bit older than some of you, i'll pick between Louise and Vicki. something about Vicki...maybe it's the fact that she would be the one to most get in and pull her weight around camp. :)

Then Louise, don't get mad Jimbo, i could fall in love sooo easy!

Remember, What happens on the island,...

Have fun with it! Joey
OK....being that I am old, I will take the ugly one and you kids can fight it out for the rest.

Yeah, I know, I'm a nice guy, you don't have to thank me.
OK, I too may be a little older than some of these guys. But just cuz you meet the age requirement doesn't mean you automatically choose from the senior menu at Denny's. I'm still ordering the Grand Slam cholesterol special.
I guess i'm the older crowd, I'd take Vickie hands down!

For hotness, JODY!!! but for all around Vickie.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-27-09 AT 10:57AM (MST)[p]I generally don't miss a Shockey show, sure didn't miss that one. she's got a lot on the ball, that girl! She dished out as much as he gave too. Fine looking young lady.

Also, could very well been shown was Ted's wife Shermain, Wild outdoor's Tammy Gregory,, and a host of others, but that would take another thread :)

LAST EDITED ON Feb-27-09 AT 12:52PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Feb-27-09 AT 12:51?PM (MST)

LAST EDITED ON Feb-27-09 AT 12:50?PM (MST)

None of them -


Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

Sorry these gals may be hunting fools but in the end they are still women and they are going to be bitching at something! I go to the woods to get AWAY from that. I guarantee there is a WHOLE lot of bitching that ends up on the cutting room floor. (Why do you think TripleK has to load up all the kids by herself and go hunting alone? And I can't speak too much for Predator but I think I read in her elk story that she was hunting alone too - hmmm ;-) :p )

Instead give me a woman - like Eel's - that buys me a case of Black Cloud for our anniversary so I can hunt Aleutian Geese - I don't care how you slice it - that's true love right there!
I like my women like my deer....Big Racks. I'll take Tiffany. That jodie aint bad, but she's a makeup queen, Vickie needs dental work, face lift, and a muzzle. And shockey's old lady....well she just dont do it for me. Although if this was real life I'd take all of em except ugly vickie :)

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
Roy, Beer? Yeah that's pretty good but Shockey's wife bought him a trip to Africa to hunt Bull Elephant. Tiffany bought Lee a half dozen trail cams, another tractor, and a stair stepper. Jodie got her old man a huge fancy gun safe to store that ego of his, another black Stetson and custom boots with extra tall heels, and Vicky, she just bought him a 5 year supply of extenze and promised her old man that she'd try an not be so loud and convulsive(if you ever seen her after a kill...) as to wake the neighbors down the road while they were doing the nasty. :)

Beer you can get most any store! Between the 4 of these babes, i might reconsider. lol

Hot bruenettes in about a size 5 all the way!....

Just when you think you have a guy figured out????
" I think they are all hot guys "
He pulls that out.. WTF???? LOL
Tiffany! hands down. She has the looks, personality, and well you know! :)

"Keep yer powder dry n yer eye on the skyline!"
"I think they are all hot guys" Yes i said it and i do believe it. After all, i picked these particular babes out when i started this thread. Not trying to jerk anyones chain, just the facts!!!

Rus, i think you're weird too :)

Hey, a babe don't got to be a 10 to be hot!! If you think so and you're still on the loose like me,... you're missing out ;-)

LAST EDITED ON Feb-28-09 AT 10:55AM (MST)[p]Shotgun shells? Who'd a thunk? I'm a hevi-shot guy myself and i don't drink so i guess, my bad, i need to keep up on this stuff that comes by the case. Beer producers, pay attention, you've just found a name for your next product :)Thanks REDDOG!

The first one HH posted counts as part of this thread. If i had the absolute power, the second one with the chaps would have been nuked :eek: Unlike most of the threads about some fluff Movie Star or tabloid personality who i never heard of, and could not care less about, these girls are the real deal, hunters, sleeping bag mates of our peers, involved in hunting and the outdoors, just the way i like em.

Those of you who are up on the latest rag mags have plenty of other threads to keep yourselves interested. Looks like Tiffany is the clear leader followed by Jodie, then further back by Vicki and Louise bring up the rear ;-) Going on looks and figure alone, i'da picked Jodie. Several guys picked Vicki, that's cool too! The choices were given to try an cover a broad :) range. lol

Joey - Reddog is right -Black Cloud - Federal steel shot:

Pricey stuff and can be hard to find - when a woman goes to that much trouble to find ammo - I mean that takes some research and hard core shopping! That is COMMITMENT. And sure Shockey's wife bought him a hunt in Africa - but that is a matter of perspective. The rich guys always have more expensive toys! But you are right - love is love! I suppose I wouldn't kick any of them off the island.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Roy, Thanks guy! You seem to not quite, always give me a hard time. lol But then, i get my digs in too. Peace brother!!

You picked the right one, Sure do like those Chaps.LOL

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".

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