Let me get this straight. The problem is people out harrassing the wildlife in a time of year where they're already stressed, which results in possible death to the animals. Am I right? Well, I'm here to tell you that this "PROBLEM" is still out there. In fact, it might even be worse now because they think they'll have the whole place to themselves with little or no competition. All of you people need to get out there and help to get these criminal maniacs off of the shedding grounds. If you just sit at home and complain, they'll keep taking your sheds, and killing some of your Bambis in the process.
How's that for adding to the problem by trying to eliminate the problem. There is no good solution, so the government will just take away a few more of our freedoms to compensate for their lack of enforcement. It doesn't make any sence, but at least the court system will make a little more money in fines. I hate our legal system.