Which MM'er is this?



lol.....without a doubt that is NVbighorn

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

C'mon, you all know it's RACKMASTER!

The sad thing is that is not a Coors Light in his back pocket. It is actually a Red Bull and he's ready to go all night!!

As already posted by PUNK.
That's SMACKDADDY with the Bosses Daughter without a doubt.
I love how his buddy just laughs and points but does nothing to discourage it. Good times........
Come on guys - we all know who this is and who would "hit that"! --- Its Wiszard!

But other than that - what is wrong with that? Love comes in all shapes and sizes - that gal needs love too. Who is to say that beer wasn't provided by God to assure that some of his larger daughters did in fact get all they lovin' they deserve???
He is a real trooper! He is taking one for the team!!

"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time
LAST EDITED ON Feb-18-10 AT 09:20PM (MST)[p]Lol,I can change my boots, but you cant change the STD's she gave you! Those you keep forever.
HomerJ- I like your optimism and faith in the Lord. However, I think you're full of sh!t!! :)

And, I'd hate to say it but she does remind me of something I satisfied myself with over at Skully's after about 10 Slutty Bartenders chased by a few Jager Bombs!! Scary times. The scary thing is that I'm a pretty good looking guy! LOL!!

Ya,I'll agree you've got standards alright.
They ain't very high though!
I always figured what you were doing with them Quakers but this confirms it!
I think she is BHWAR and she's finally found the guy with a 16" paddle. She never was a good speller.
>I think she is BHWAR and
>she's finally found the guy
>with a 16" paddle. She
>never was a good speller.

Now that's funny!
Another brillian high IQ comment. Probably matches the B&C score from your best MD - 90!

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