Which MMer is in Park City on Vacation?


Taking Roy's lead......... Terry

Straight from the ?you can't sue somebody for that, can you?? file comes this latest boneheaded court case.
Like most people who are a little unsure with directions, Lauren Rosenberg of Park City, UT, decided to use Google Maps to get information on a walking trail from one side of town to the other. The online program pulled up her directions, and the route included walking on a road without sidewalks ? namely, Route 224.

But instead of walking away from traffic on the highway or finding a safer route, Rosenberg instead walked down the middle of the road ? and was (unsurprisingly) stuck by a vehicle.

Rosenberg and her lawyers are now suing Google for $100,000 for causing the accident. According to the legal brief: ?The Defendant Google expects users of the walking map site to rely on the accuracy of the walking directions given. As a direct and proximate cause of the Defendant Google?s careless, reckless and negligent providing of unsafe directions, Plaintiff Lauren Rosenberg was led onto a dangerous highway, and was thereby stricken by a motor vehicle.?

Google insists that even though the ?common sense? rule should apply, it still places a warning below every map that states: ?Use caution ? This route may be missing sidewalks or pedestrian paths.?

Rosenberg?s lawyers are claiming that the warning wasn?t visible on her BlackBerry phone, so Google is indeed responsible for leading her into the middle of a busy highway.
A lawyer that would actually file this type of case should be neutered. The person who it happened to should have their birth certificate voided.
+1 nickman. She should have her birth certificate voided, or given to an illegal alien.......no, I guess just voided.

"Stricken"??? Seriously, I don't think that is even a WORD.

You can't legislate common sense.

WOOT! I'm gonna sue Google for giving me the wrong damn directions on numerous occasions. I could probably get them for $100.00 in gas and another $99,900.00 for mental distress caused by frequent outbursts of swearing when they send me the wrong direction.

Piper, how's your period?

Zigga, don't forget the knee pads!

Hdude, Lil' Jimmy wants his share!
Amazing what some people will do just to get attention. And shame on the lawyers taking this case.

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
just another lazy jack@@@ trying to make money the easy way....common sense is not so common any more it seems. It seems the human race is breeding out its intelligence, soon we will be turned back to caveman. 2 things I could do without the looser atternys who file these type of cases and 90 percent of our politicians.
"soon we will be turned back to caveman"

I bet the caveman had more common sense then most of these dumbasses doing things like this. What a fricken moron. Its always somebody elses fault.

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