Which is scarier?


Long Time Member
Arnolds facelift or her?
Arnold looks odd now. My MuscleFitness this month has him with Joe Weider, and Arnold looks pretty weird.

It's really weird when those ripped up chicks with boob jobs, to make them look "more feminine"... Yeah, right....
You aren't done with her until she says your finished. By the way this babe can crush the lead out of a pencil with those thighs. I'm sure she has a tat that says enter at your own risk!
That's just plain gross. There is a fine line between being fit, being ripped, and just plain nasty....she is about five miles on the wrong side of nasty. Bleh....I'm pretty sure that level of body building cannot be healthy.

good lord!! i bet there is a tenderloin taped to the back of he/she's leg!! arnold neva wus dat smot:)

i think jane goodall lived with her for a few years.

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