Which hunt?


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Nov-17-11 AT 00:43AM (MST)[p]The wife and i were 0 for 36 in the draws this year although some were PP only. Anyways, I have options for 2 different family hunts next year:

The first is a combo antelope/deer hunt in Wyoming. I've been planning this for a few years and my wife, step-son and I have enough PPs to draw both species. My son only has enough PPs to draw the deer tag but he could probably get an antelope doe tag. My reservations on this hunt is the reported bad winter last year. If we wait one more year and I get antelope PPs for all of us, all 4 of us will draw both species next year (2013).

The other option is elk in Colorado. Last year (2010) they all took their elk during the first rifle season and my family is 16 for 16 there with a rifle since 2001. My dad and I didn't fill during archery season but if we were to do that one again, I'd archery hunt so I could focus on them during rifle season.

Wife has expressed that she'd rather do a relaxing hunt this year instead of spending most of the day in a saddle. That means Wy, but I could remind her about her excitement taking her first bull and her mind would change.

Other concerns are with max PPs for Wy elk, the combo hunt dates would conflict if I draw the elk tag. But i feel my odds of drawing the elk unit i want will be almost 100% in 2013 and less than 20% this year.

Any advice?
I'm pretty sure the elk draw results in WY are out before you apply for deer/antelope. Why not apply and see what happens, if you dont draw, apply for deer and antelope.

As far as the winter in Wyoming...depends on the area. I didnt see a large drop in deer or antelope anywhere I hunted this year. The Western side of Wyoming did suffer some decline in deer numbers, no doubt about it. The rest of the state faired pretty good.

I dont know if waiting a year will buy you much deer and antelope wise.

Wyoming Hunting Guides & Outfitters

Badger Creek Outfitters

Offering elk, deer and pronghorn hunts on several privately owned ranches.

Urge 2 Hunt

We focus on trophy elk, mule deer, antelope and moose hunts and take B&C bucks most years.

J & J Outfitters

Offering quality fair-chase hunts for trophy mule deer, elk, and moose in Wyoming.

Yellowstone Horse Rentals - Western Wyoming Horses
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