
Long Time Member
What happened to BOBCATBESS? Did he bail while I was out of the loop the last couple of months?

Purty much most everyone here is a puss.........


Don't hate da playa Hate da Game !!
Well, for awhile you were a person of interest around here since you both went MIA about the same time. Once that theory faded the speculation of prison surfaced. Then some theorized that the misses stumbled across one too many of your 'hit it' posts. Now we are back to square one.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-29-09 AT 04:40AM (MST)[p]"WHERE'S THE PUSS??" I'd show you but then I'd probably end up in the same place...

Tis true Mr Wiz... :-( :-( :-(

Bobcat's gone

Feleno's just about cut out the semi porn

D13'er, he%% he's actually been civil and charming in a few threads

The whiners still have their panties wadded up

And this forum is so boooooring now..

I spend most of my time over on the 24hr campfire nowadays..
Wow....BUMMER! I thought BESS added a lot of character to the forum. He and I got into it a couple of times, but it's healthy to disagree sometimes. I like the guy and wish he'd come back. Although, I liked the BOBCAT, not sure if he comes back he'd be able to be the same BOBCAT. From the thread about him, seems he's an extraordinarily nice guy....different from his MM persona. His all caps and double spacing was his style....it didn't bother me but obviously it bothered enough to make it somewhat of an issue...along with his sometimes bad attitude. I wish that HE and founder can come to some sort of agreement to get him back here.

And what the hell is the deal with no more scantily clad woman? That is simply un-American, Founder!!

I miss the Kim Kardashian post!! Mmmmmmmmmmm


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