where's PRO?



Hey pro! where'd you go? did u find the edge of the world and fall off? Give your friends a holler since we haven't heard from u in a while.

He who stomps the greatest stinky wins!
You don't even want to hear what he's been busy doing, Stinky, or you'll lose ALL respect for him.

Ok I'm sorry to have to do this but it must be done! Doyle Moss has a habit of not letting people know what he's hunting, and seeing, and killing. There's a lot of people on here who would love to keep up with a live feed from camp mossback, but for some reason they just can't share their story. Now we have bart up on the mountain chasing turkeys and god knows what else and does he bother to keep us posted? Noooooooooooooooo! Well just cuz your secretive like doyle doesn't mean your as good as Doyle.

Now respond dangit!

Just razin ya PRO!

He who stomps the greatest stinky wins!
PROphylactic, I know you are good at fixing phones. Starting to wonder how good you are at picking friends. Shtinkey & SlamClunk are stabbing you in the back. I suspect they are both Minimossey?s.

Watch your 6!

Damnit RUS, we just can't tell you ANYTHING!!
And here i thought we were real friends..........rofl :)


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