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Doctors sew back on self-castrator?s penis
20 Mar, 03:13 PM

A 37-year-old man cut off his penis with a pair of scissors after his girlfriend left him. Yet, he was lucky enough to have the organ sewn back on again at a hospital.

Andrei P., resident of Ufa city in Central Russia, was found bleeding on the floor of his apartment by his neighbors, Life.ru website reports Friday.

It turned out that after a quarrel with his girlfriend, Andrei decided he wanted to be finished with women for good.

He went home, took a pair of scissors and cut his penis off.

?He told us that apparently he did not need his penis since his girlfriend didn't want to move in with him,? the police investigators said.

"After two broken marriages, he said he wanted to have nothing in common with women," they added.

The bleeding man was rushed to a hospital, where doctors were able to repair the damage he had done. That was only possible because, for some reason that he himself cannot explain, after cutting his penis off, Andrei put it on ice.

"This was one wise thing that he did, if we can at all speak about wisdom in a situation like that," the police commented.
Unfreaking believable :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

The dude had to be drunk or stoned or both!



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