Not sure, but that sounds like a good idea.

I'm outta here, driving up to boise tonight.
Good luck with the fishing, I'll catch up with ya'll in a week.
Hopefully bro can tag a bull so i can get back down and hunt some muleys here in utah.

Digs out!!
He's probably just coughing up a furball somewhere, too much catnip :)

Having been in on the delivery of my son, I'm not sure I want to know what unplugging the pipes entails...

Where is he?? Is he hanging out at the Maverik still?? Maybe that was him in that dodge that I blew black smoke all over so he couldn't see and he ran down into the ditch. Poor Bessy!!
>Where is he?? Is he hanging
>out at the Maverik still??
>Maybe that was him in
>that dodge that I blew
>black smoke all over so
>he couldn't see and he
>ran down into the ditch.
>Poor Bessy!!

LOL IT probably WAS him, Bud! He's probably still crawling out of the ditch all covered in black smoke. Either that or he's in search of you! You better hope he never finds you. He can get awful mean! lol
RE: WHERE'S BOBCAT?..... In the hospital !

The report I got was that he is in a hospital somewhere in Colorado,

Although the details behind his admit to the hospital were unclear here are some likely reasons.

1)During a routine gyno procedure Bess contracted cat scratch fever.

2)Due to strain from cap-lock typing, Bess is recovering from corporal tunnel surgery.

3)While hunting Colorado's 3rd season, he chained himself to a 4-wheeler that then ran him over.

4)went to watch the band "Stray Cats" & O.D.'ed while partying.

5)He noticed how easy it was for Zim to hook-up online, then later realize she indeed had a boy friend that was 6 feet 13"
RE: WHERE'S BOBCAT?..... In the hospital !

>The report I got was that
>he is in a hospital
>somewhere in Colorado,
>Although the details behind his admit
>to the hospital were unclear
>here are some likely reasons.
>1)During a routine gyno procedure Bess
>contracted cat scratch fever.
>2)Due to strain from cap-lock typing,
>Bess is recovering from corporal
>tunnel surgery.
>3)While hunting Colorado's 3rd season, he
>chained himself to a 4-wheeler
>that then ran him over.
>4)went to watch the band "Stray
>Cats" & O.D.'ed while partying.
>5)He noticed how easy it was
>for Zim to hook-up online,
>then later realize she indeed
>had a boy friend that
>was 6 feet 13"

thats funny right there i dont care who u r
I miss him!! You guys should be ashamed of yourself. Just listen to you all. He probably won't ever talk to any of you. But then ya might get a tune up. Wait till he sees this Just wait. I hope your all happy. jfp

LAST EDITED ON Nov-07-07 AT 08:39PM (MST)[p]http://www.monstermuleys.info/dcforum/User_files/473276cc1aa478b0.jpg
.........He's sittin' in front of his 'puter, watchin' everyone wonder why he hasn't posted for a few days...LHAO I'll bet.

I doubt the report that he is having gastric bypass surgery......
........he's working tons of OT....seems there's a terrible yeast epidemic in NE Utah.

No he ain't. Have not seen him over here as of yet.
Good news we caught 13 fish today but big blue never showed.

10 small yellow fin tuna to abouy 15 pounds, 2 Mahi Mahi one about 44" and the other about 38" and 1 Ono 36". Rainy and windy all day. No blues seen. Saw a huge pod of porpoise.
Not sure when I'll go back out.

>........he's working tons of OT....seems there's
>a terrible yeast epidemic in
>NE Utah.

you sicko...LOL
Think I figured out what's going on. BCB is just wating for overton, gilamonster, tageater & me to catch up! Then the fur will fly. For crying out loud, we make about as much sense as the ol'e cat anyways.

>Think I figured out what's going
>on. BCB is just wating
>for overton, gilamonster, tageater &
>me to catch up! Then
>the fur will fly. For
>crying out loud, we make
>about as much sense as
>the ol'e cat anyways.


Don't lump me in with those insane guys please. LOL

>I hope he's still alive.

Bobcat's still alive, but I bet there's a big muley buck that isn't!

Ransom, are you back on the "mainland" yet, if you get my drift? LOL!


Still Kona. More chores today. More people coming this weekend to stay. Weather was bad all day anyhow. Marlins left and went to Tahiti I think.
When I get back I'm going to Idaho to help their economy some more. Either whitetail or muley makes no difference.

Ransom, sounds like too much fun over there...I might have to come visit.

Bessy?? You still alive??
This is such a funny post...nice pics by the way..the one with the cat layin with the beer bottles and smokes is soo baddd. You know that had to be a road kill..somebody's lil fluffy that got splattered....haha

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