Where's all the sheep


Very Active Member
People have to be holding out on the sheep successes. I know the dall sheep hunts are over. Let's see the pics and hear some stories. Help out my sheep itches!
Deerlove???---- So stick to Deerloving and let me have that Desert tag that you stole from me!!! Let me guess, you had less than my 14 bonus points but you got the tag and I didn't! Dang it! Look at my monster muley name!
Sorry, just venting my 35 years of not drawing frustration! Actually I wish you all the success in the world and definitely we all want to hear about your hunt. Maybe you can post it like CAelknut's Monroe Elk hunt. Now that would be a treat!
Anyway good luck and don't forget all of us wanna-bes who can only hunt through those that get the tags!
Bighorn tell you what theres NO cell coverage down there. It's remote and nasty. LOL Your right I did not have a lot of pts to draw.
I took a great Dall in Wrangells, 38 7/8" and 14 7/8" base. When I figure out how to get pictures on this site I will post them.

Here is one I killed in 03. Not the best picture but the best we could do under the circumstances.

Good luck to all the lucky sheep hunters. Post photos and tell us about the hunt...

First attempt at posting a picture...I think I have it figured out.
You have had at least one ramtag and it looks like you made the best of it! Looks like Alaska. Care to tell us more?
Nice Dall and thanks for posting.
OTC tags don't count. :)

Alaska is correct. I hunted with Braun Kopsack (Knik Glacier Adventures) and an adventure it was. Wonderful trip and I was honored to hunt with Braun. We flew in a couple of days before the opener and spotted a group of rams. Waited - hoping they would stay put and we would have no company. Opening day we left camp around 4:30 am and around 9-10 pm we got back to camp with 2 great rams. Was quite a day...

The ram was 37" heavy and brooomed. My partner shot a 38" ram with a pretty tight curl and nice flare to the horns.

I like looking at my dall photos because I was 25#'s lighter back then. I am convinced the exact moment you draw a sheep or a goat tag you automatically loose 10 pounds.
Beautiful ram !

I had a great hunt in 08 in the Alaska Range with another outfitter. I remember talking with Braun in 05 trying to book a sheep hunt. He only had 1 opening for a Sep 10 hunt. I waited 1 day too long, and it was gone.

As far as sheep guides go, the dude is a white sheep asassin!!!
Now that I figured out how to post photos, here's my Colorado S-66 sheep from this year. Hunted hard for 6 days above timberline (going as high as 13,500') - without seeing a mature ram. We caught this guy down low in the timber on day 7. He's 32" with 15" bases - not a monster, but very respectable for that unit.


Here the ram I shot way back in '91, way before digital. All my field photo's are on film and I have had not scaned them...yet

He was taken in late Sept, which gives him his thick coat. He was with three other rams, a huge broomed of one, a small one and one that showed up later, after I shot this one. I wanted lamb tips and he has all of that. After the shot, my buddy, who had only shot a bear and a two point deer in his one year of hunting, then whispered that he saw another one. We looked and watch to make sure it was full curl, after determining it was, he shot. the ram did not even move, just kept feeding and looking around. I could hear cursing beside me and hear him say he had short cycled his bolt. Just as I was about to look at him, I saw the ram fall on his face. later we determined that the bullet went between two ribs, took out the bottom of his heart and exited between two ribs. The ram did not even know he was hit. It was a pretty cool time for both of us.

Mine was 37.5 on both sides by 13. My buddy's was 40x38x13.5, Not bad for our first rams. I have hunted tham a lot since, but just cannot find one as nice as my first, so I have let a few walk. Got to love BC, where we can just walk in a buy a sheep tag and hunt Rockies, Cali's, Stones and if I get an LEH, Dall's.

I will try to get a field picture of both up later. Heading out to chase timber mulies for the next 8 days.

Here was the old/ and now the finall resting place for him....unless the wife wants to get another house :eek:





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