
Long Time Member
I've Already Asked One Law Officer a Couple Years ago Face To Face How They're Planning On Enforcing The Ban On Trail-Cams Alone if It Passed?

He Looked Me In The Eye ans Said:

We Are Relying On People Like yourself To Help Enforce It!



SmokePole Scopes!

Archery Equipment!

Long-Range Rifles!

Now Radio's!

The List Goes On & On!

Every & Any Thing That Came Around Was Legal & F'N COOL!

All Of A Sudden after Decades Of Technology Advancements We Are Finally Deciding Things Have Gone Too Far!

And they Claim Humans Are Suppose To Be Smart!
And they Claim Humans Are Suppose To Be Smart!

Nobody reading your posts will make that claim Whoop!

Half the “new laws” you cite aren’t even laws.

But conservation officers have never been able to keep up with the resources we give them. If we want more enforcement, it won’t come free.
I’ve continually seen you post that there’s not any one problem that’s the reason for declining herds. Now that they’re trying different ideas to help out the animals you’re against it. God forbid they ever actually get the herds back to reasonable numbers, you’d have to find something else to rant about on here.
I Didn't Say I Was Against Them!

I'm Asking How You're Gonna Enforce Them?

I’ve continually seen you post that there’s not any one problem that’s the reason for declining herds. Now that they’re trying different ideas to help out the animals you’re against it. God forbid they ever actually get the herds back to reasonable numbers, you’d have to find something else to rant about on here.
Hey KING Niller?
Nobody reading your posts will make that claim Whoop!

Half the “new laws” you cite aren’t even laws. Yet!

But conservation officers have never been able to keep up with the resources we give them. If we want more enforcement, it won’t come free.What's Your Plan On Enforcing More Rules & Laws They'll Be Passing?And I Don't Wanna Hear Some Kinda BS Excuse That Hunters Will Self Enforce Their-selves!
I Didn't Say I Was Against Them!

I'm Asking How You're Gonna Enforce Them?
I took my 11 year old cousin to her hunters safety class on Saturday. The conservation officer from the Heber area was there. He told the class that he covers 600 square miles by himself. How do they enforce any game laws currently? By people trying to do the right thing, and keeping an eye out for others breaking the law. You could probably get away with poaching numerous animals before getting caught by a CO, but I assume you’re not going to do that because you know it’s against the law.
That Be True CF!

But You've Gotta Admit There's A Bunch of Law Breakin Bittches In This State When It Comes To Big Game!

I took my 11 year old cousin to her hunters safety class on Saturday. The conservation officer from the Heber area was there. He told the class that he covers 600 square miles by himself. How do they enforce any game laws currently? By people trying to do the right thing, and keeping an eye out for others breaking the law. You could probably get away with poaching numerous animals before getting caught by a CO, but I assume you’re not going to do that because you know it’s against the law.
I Heard A Couple Guys Talkin The Other Day at One Of Our Local Sports Stores Sayin They'll Go Back To A QUICK Mount & Scope For Their SmokePoles if They Take Scopes From SmokePoles!

I'm Like:

If You're Gonna Break The Law Why Don't You Just Keep Your High Power Scopes On Your Guns?

There will always be losers and dirtbags that look to push the limits and break the laws. Fortunately, most sportsmen are good ethical people and will do the right thing. But law enforcement will continue to need our help to report those violating the laws. If I see another hunter blatantly breaking the law, I would not hesitate to report them. Poachers and criminals are stealing from all ethical sportsmen and they also give law-biding hunters a bad name in the eye of the general public.

Only 12% of child sex abuse is reported to police. I guess since we are not “enforcing” 78% of those offenses that Whoopi would suggest we should just make sexually abusing children legal?

Like was cited above: there will ALWAYS be those willing to break the law and do bad things. The vast majority of us are just fine with following the law simply because it is the law. We understand this is how civilized societies operate and are not dirt bags. But then there are others…we hope to catch as many of those others as we can, but we won’t get them all. Never have, never will.
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