Where were you...


when the world stopped turning on that September day?

I was just getting up after a short night, feeding my 3 1/2 month old baby daughter. My wife was in the shower and I turned on the tube just in time to see the second plane hit the south tower. Then I watched in shock as reports of the 3rd plane hit the pentagon and the 4th that went down in the field. It was a somber day and still is.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
About the same taking care of 1 year old, FIL called and said to turn on the TV because they just hit the Pentagon, It didnt seem real then I just watched in shock....

I was in my freshman year at SUU...woke up in my room to a phone call telling me to turn on the TV. Saw the second plane hit and spent the rest of the next week or so with a strange feeling of shock and anger, like most of us.

Can't believe it's been 8 years...
I was on the computer at work ordering supplies for the shop and the boss called and said come up to the conference room as a plane just flew into the tower and it is on TV.

Did not get much done that day, it is all everyone had on their minds. Corp. Office in SF started beefing up plant and station Security after that.

I was driving to School my senior year of High School with the radio on trying to figure it out. Then the plane hit the pentagon. Less than a year later I was in Marine Corps boot camp!
Hunting is my way of life
Sgt. Petersen
I was just getting ready to leave on a speed goat hunt in Wyoming. Stayed awhile and watched on the news. I had two buddies there already scouting for the prior week. I stopped and bought a newspaper going through Salt Lake City and showed them when I got there. They were shocked to say the least.
Not a good day for the USA....
I was with my wife having breakfast in a little caf? close to our house. They had the radio on and at first I thought it was a hoax but after listening to the radio broadcast for a few minutes we knew t was all to true. We hurried home and stayed glued to the television and watched the second plane hit in disbelief and shortly after that we watched the towers collapse.
I remember thinking to myself how could anyone do something like that to all of those Innocent people in the towers.. and after the initial shock I got angry with those cowardice bastards... I cannot imagine how the people that lost loved ones in the towers felt.
I got the kids ready to go to the babysitter
Dropped them off, and the babysitter said
can you believe what is happening, I did not
know of anything, she showed me, so I went
home and watched the news for 5 hours.

A truly sad day for Americans!

But we have survived !!!
I was with a bud out in the woods helping him get a last couple loads of lodgepole pine firewood for the winter. When we hit town and stopped at a friends, he told us what had happened, as far as he knew, i remember how hard it was for me to believe in what he was saying.

LAST EDITED ON Sep-11-09 AT 01:28PM (MST)[p]I was on a Utah LE archery elk hunt. I am also an aviation buff and the area we were hunting was right under a major air traffic route. It was common for me to look at the jets flying over to see what type of jet it was or what carrier it was. I just seemed very odd to me that no jets had flown over that morning. I didn't find out what had happended until I got home that night.

Ironically, kind of the same thing happended during Hurricane Katrina. We had been bow hunting elk up in Idaho for several days. It was beautiful! After several days, we decided to drive the 2 hours back to town for a burger and groceries. I called my wife when we got to town and the first thing she says is; "Can you believe what is going on?" And I'm like, Uhhhh what? The hurricane had hit 2 days before and she began to tell me what was going on. It was quite shocking!
Had the trucked just about packed, about ready to hit the road to go hunting. wife came outside as I was about finished, said to come see what was on TV. i never made it out that day, I was to shocked.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-11-09 AT 11:16AM (MST)[p]I was getting ready (i.e. packing) for an upcoming archery elk hunt in NM. I remember the news that a plane had stuck the first tower and I watched in horror as the second plane slammed into the second tower. I will never forget the pit I had in my stomach that day.

One of the most touching memories I have from that time was the drive to NM. EVERY house on the Navajo Nation had an American flag flying. Did not see that anywhere but on the nation. Very humbling experience to say the least.
With my wife and kids in Yellowstone National Park. Very surreal being surrounded by such quiet peace and beauty while out in the real work terror was striking America.


My hunting spot is so secret, not even the elk have found it yet.
On the phone oredering my Leica spoting scope from hotbuy electronics. They put me on hold and it went to a local radio station while I was waiting. Tey were talking about how a plane had just hit the WTC just minutes ago. I thought some stupid little plane. Then my dad called a little later and told me to turn on the TV. That was the most somber day of my life. Watching the towers collapse will always be etched in my mind.
i went to work early that day, met at the bosses house. instead of being outside, ready to go, he was still in his house. went inside and watched the second plane. i dont care who you are, what religion, what political party, what working class of person. that is something every american will remember. god bless the troops that are still fighting are fight!
>>I was in my freshman year
>>at SUU...
>Go T-Birds! Roy and I are
>SUU alum, too.

Nice! Oh yeah, love those T-Birds! I graduated in '05.

It was definitely an experience to spend time on a college campus in the days and weeks following 9-11. Lots of opinions and theories and thoughts.

Man, thinking back now it seems so surreal, that day. That feeling in my stomach was like nothing I'd ever felt.

I can't imagine what people in NYC and people who lost loved ones felt that day and have felt every September 11th since.
Working in my shop. I was in shock that we were attacked once and then again twice more... Watched the whole sorry episode in our history play out.

Stop Global Whining
"Just got to school for my first period, my junior year of high school "

Wow your first period and 911 on the same day.... What are the odds?..... Terry
My buddy and I were coming out of the mountains from his successfull once in a lifetime mtn goat hunt in Oregon. We were amped up with a 50+ inch goat in the back, heard about it on the radio, thought there was another school shooting until we finally heard the whole story. The day turned tragic and overshadowed our happiness from the hunt in a flash. To top it off, 9-11 is my hunting partners birthday! He shot his goat on the 10th, birthday on the 11th.....everytime he got carded at a bar after that the waitress just looks back with a sad face.

My hat's off to Sneekeepete and all those who have fought for the freedom we enjoy here at home, you're all heroes in my book. I lost a good friend from high school in Iraq earlier this year (heli pilot) and can't say enough about how grateful I am for all the service men and women.

Take a minute today to thank a member of our milatary and then thank them again whenever you see one in the airport or elsewhere, I do. Same goes for the FD guys.

I was just getting out of the shower and getting ready to go to work and I turned the TV on just in time to see the second plane hit.
At that time I worked for one the major Wall Street firms here in their SLC office... We stood in the SLC office and watched with disbelief as the planes hit the WTC buildings. With all of the phones out in lower-Manhattan/NYC, we were one of the few places people who worked at our firm in NYC could call. For the most part they were in a state of panic and had no idea what was happening. Those of us away from NYC, watching the horror on TV, had a much better idea of what was happening.

I talked to many NY collegues who asked if the building in lower Manhattan were coming down like dominos. There were people in buildings around the WTC and Wall Street who didn't know if the buildings all around them were collapsing. The best calls were the ones when co-workers in NY would ask us me to call their wives/loved-ones and tell them they were safe.

A day I will never forget and one I want never to experience again.

God Bless the United States of America.

All who wander are not lost.
Had just gotten to the office when first plane hit. We hooked up a TV we use for video presentations and the antenna picked up the news(couldn't do that today-no signal). Watched most of the rest of the day.

I'll never forget the sadness in the pit of my stomach when the towers fell.....still hard to believe.
I was heading to Atlanta to pick up my daughter, who lives there, for a visit back here at home. I heard about the first plane on a radio show from Chattanooga that I listen to often. I remember going into Atlanta on I-75 with hardly any traffic.....but all lanes heading out of town were packed. I told her that life as we knew it had changed forever......shame I was right. I lost 343 of my brothers that day and it hurts still. I cannot fathom that kind of hate for another person....and I'm thankful God doesn't let me. I'm proud to be a fulltime firefighter with 22 years service to the people of my city.....God Bless the United States of America!!!
I was at work when someone informed a group of us what happened. We all stopped and tuned in on the TV. I could not believe what was happening. How could anyone have so much hate for another to kill so many mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters etc etc is beyond me. Senseless killing just to kill.

What is disturbing is how it was celebrated in other countries and they would not hesitate to do it again. Watch this video it has a powerfull message and we all should remember..

I remember waking up with a start and a feeling that something was very wrong. I couldn't shake it. It sounds cheezy, but it was like a Star Wars disturbance in the force thing. I turned on the TV about 2 seconds before the "Breaking News" display popped onto the screen. I sat and watched in awe and horror for most of the next couple days. I was screaming, "NO, NO, NO, NO!" at the TV as the towers came down. Life has sure changed since then - for better and for worse.
I was in Boulder Colorado visiting friends. Not to long after I joined the US Marine Corps as well. Same as sneekepete.


Aim Center Mass
I was at a conference aboard NAS Patuxent River, MD. Not too far from DC. That afternoon I had planned on going to the Pentagon to visit a young man who worked for me during his enlisted career. Never made it to see him. He was ok, but, lost some of his intel buddies.

(The day prior, my wife had some issues with poor medical treatment she had received at the base where I was stationed. ) After the first plane hit, darn near all cell phone traffic aboard NAS Pax River was tied up...so, I couldn't call home to say I was ok. I eventually used the military phones and called the CO of another squadron on base. He told me that he would drive over to my house and let my wife know I was ok.....SO, she is out in the garage when this USMC car pulls up and the two officers start walking towards the house. She was too afraid to ask 'that' question; all she could do was ask if this was about the medical issue.

Pax River, and all other bases, went into the tightest security I have ever seen. There was a brief period of time where we could not go off base.

Oddly enough, at the base where I was stationed, one of our guys noticed that the convenience store (located just outside the main gate) had two security cameras...not pointed towards the gas pumps, but, towards the main gate. Yea, the owners were of ME origins.

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
>I was in Boulder Colorado visiting
>friends. Not to long
>after I joined the US
>Marine Corps as well.
>Same as sneekepete.

>Aim Center Mass

A very big thank you to you and the people that serve.
I was at Lake Powell tearing up the striper boils!! Came back into camp and my mom was yelling for my dad and I to come quick and watch on a nieghboring campers sat. tv...unFRICKINbelievable!! I had joined the US Navy August 8th that year and was scheduled to leave for basic in December...after seeing the planes hit I immediately called my recruiter and October 2nd I was in Chicago.

I visted Ground Zero in New York City on July 4th of 2002...and had american citizens throwing, sticks, rocks, garbage can lids, and anything else they could find at me and 4 of my friends, all of us in full dress summer white uniforms!! All I can say about that is...FK the east coast!! IMO those people are worse than terrorists and I sincerely hope each and every one of them rot in hell...

September 11th and that experience in NYC less than 1 year after the towers fell reminds me that just because we live in America it doesn't mean we're all Americans and to watch our backs!! To watch people in general and even our neighbors with attention to detail...because we honestly don't know who they really might be anymore!!

I hope I don't sound to negative in this post but 9-11 pisses me off beyond belief!! I just think after 230+ years that the UNITED STATES of AMERICA should be full of, ready to fight and die for what we believe in, AMERICANS!!

And no I didn't mean all people on the east coast should rot in hell, I meant those who were throwing stuff at us or anyone that has ever disrespected a US servicemember in such a manor...

Working on a crash scene when the fire department came up to me and told me about it. Did not get much accomplished the rest of the day. I do remember there were not many calls for service that day.
Room 202 at the Residence Inn having coffee, watching Channel 2 news, getting ready for work. They showed Tower 1 with smoke comming out. Thought to myself a little plane must have wrecked. Switched to CNN just as the 2nd plane came across the screen. Thought to myself what the hell? Called my wife & said turn the tv on, something realy bad is happening. An hour later I called my guy's & told them to go home & be with their families if they wanted to.

None of us will ever be the same.

Life2Extreme, NeverCatch, Feddoc (and the rest of the service men and women on MM):

Thank you men for your service to our country, I appreciate it greatly. My family does not ignore the sacrifices you and the rest of our military have made to preserve our freedom. Hats off to you guys, today and always.

R.I.P - CWO Josh Tillery - 10th Mountain Division, 6th Aviation Brigade.

I was laying in my B&C moose horns on the King Salmon river in Alaska enjoying a nice sunny morning after packing out my moose.When some hunters from Colo. came floating down the river and asked If I had heard what had happened. I said no and they said New york had been attacked, all they had was a radio, and we listened as all kinds of strange reports came in. a weird day to be sure.
remember it well, i watched in disbelief as the second tower got hit, it as if i was watching a movie, my mind did not grasp it...

i was very pist soon after.....
I was on the other side of the world engaging the very scum that rocked our nation. You can't believe the fire that came out of me and my gunny for the next two weeks. We stayed in the field for days, denying air-lifts, eating anything we could and prettymuch not answering our radio. We fired more rounds out of my Lapua and my gunny's 50 that week than we had in months. I think I heard "send it" a million times that week. We were a couple of pissed off Americans. We didn't even the score but we came damn close. There was a lot of bloody towels laying in the rocks. I hope God forgives me.
Now I walk with a limp from a bullet...it was worth it, I'd do it again.

"My sickle has a boattail"
"hidden soles leave .308 holes"
My daughter called and told my wife and I to turn on the TV...stayed glued to the tube and followed the events of the whole day...thought about Pearl Harbor and what must have gone on in the minds of most Americans...the horror, disbelief, shock that the events were all connected to a terrorist plot...I was 55 then, kinda old for a soldier, but felt it was time to dust the cobwebs off the old Viet Nam-era cammies, that what I had seen would be determined as an act of war, and I might have to do some part in this war, if my country so deemed. Even today with this great nation in turmoil it's in, I would have no problem signing that blank check! God Bless the USA!
At work at Cannon Air Force Base. I spent the rest of the day as a door guard and then started getting ready to go kick some A$$. We had a squadron formation that day and our commander told us "this is the day we've been training for". I never went to OEF, but was in the first days of the war in Iraq.

I want to point out something to the non-military of the forum. My hat goes off to those who joined AFTER 9/11. Those of us who were in already had been somewhat "stable" before that, but those kids who signed up knowing we were at war are my heroes!

In the bar on the first floor of the Marriot in SLC (nearest TV to my meeting room) The Guy next to me was really upset, his son-in-law worked in the 2nd Tower. (He did get out OK)
I decided to skip my first class of the morning at West Virginia University and when my alarm radio went off for my second class the announcer was saying that the United States is under attack. Being a broke student without a TV and not knowing what kind of attack, I skipped a shower and went straight to school just in time to the second plane hit live!
LAST EDITED ON Sep-11-09 AT 10:14PM (MST)[p]http://www.monstermuleys.info/dcforum/User_files/4aab1e2f2ca6547e.jpg


Symbol of Hope

Left standing amid the rubble at Ground Zero, the cross is also a symbol of hope for a nation devastated in the last half-century by moral decline and court rulings that displace God from public life. And while our nation has yet to learn all the lessons of 9/11, Dr. Kennedy harbors hope for our land. ?I believe America can be reclaimed,? he said. ?I believe that this nation can be brought back to God.

After it was discovered, construction workers, firefighters, police officers and family members began holding weekly Sunday services at the site. The names of fallen police officers and firefighters were also scribbled on the cross, along with the message "God Bless Our Fallen Brothers".

The press has reported that a group of atheists is threatening a lawsuit to prevent the cross from becoming part of any permanent memorial.

Many have said where was God on 9-11, well all I can say is you kicked him out remember?
I was at work and heard about the plane crash on the radio.It was a wakeup call for all of us.I have a positive memory of that day also.At 11:57 P.M.,my daughter gave birth to a beautiful baby girl.Makes me thankful for that day,but also sad.Thanks to all who serve for making it possible that we have the freedoms that we have.(ROD)
I was serving a mission in tennesse. We knocked on a door only to be greeted by a lady crying and screaming. She said we were under attack. I thought every airplane that went by was going to drop a bomb. We drove to the other missionarys apt. and sat there the rest of the day waiting for further instruction.
I was getting ready for work. My wife had the news on when they interupted it to announce the first "crash". We were watching in disbelief, I said to my wife, that was no accident then moments later the second jet hit. Of course that eliminated any doubt I may have had. I remember getting pissed and at the same time feeling helpless and sad. For months I couldn't get bin ladin's face out of my head. Just wanted to send 168grn's of U.S. lead through him. I still think about it, and I'm still pissed. Any one who thinks this is not a religous war is a fricken idiot! And these punks that have the nerve to second guess our operators methods, screw them! If we save one GI or U.S. Citizens life, I don't give a flying frick how the information is gathered. Shock them, skin them, burn them, dip them in pig blood and shove bacon down their throats. They will do worse to any of us "blue eyed devils" the first chance they get. God help us when they get the chance to nuke us, not if, when.
Screw bin ladin and his followers.
To all of you who have defended our country and boarders THANK YOU! You are all prayed for at my families table during grace.
Setting on a granite rock at the edge of a lake in the North West Territories waiting for a float plane to fly us out of a caribou hunting camp, cussing the outfitter for trying to save a few dollars by making us waiting for a flight back haul from the diamond mines to come and pick us up. After three hours the outfitter called the Yellowknife Airport to see where our plane was..... we wouldn't believe it when he told us that all the air space over North America was closed and ALL planes were grounded until further notice.

We were in shock, no radio, no tv, no communication and no plane. We had no idea if we were being bombed country wide or what was going on. We sat on the tundra for three days wondering how in the world we were going to get home, or even if we would ever get home. Setting on the open tundra, 70 miles from the Arctic Circle, down to caribou meat for food and winter only days away caused all kinds of unpleasant mental images. (As far as I know, no one walks out of that country, summer or winter.)

After three day of interesting conversation among 5 Americans, 1 Eskimo, 5 Canadians, and an Australian, discussing what must be going on in world, a float plane was allowed to make an emergency flight out to pick us up. (The float plane flight back was another wild story, in and of itself!) We eventually got back to Yellowknife and were still 1500 miles from the US Border. American air space was still closed, by then all the car rental companies were out of cars so getting home was still a challenge. A week later we arrived home, (by subcompact car full of gear and spoiling meat.) exhausted and grateful at the same time.

After we learned what had happen to our fellow Americans in New York, Washington and on forth airliner that was taken down by American heros, we came to believe our experience was a minor inconvenience compared to thousands of other Americans.

Little did I know, as I sat wondered where in the heck my float plane was, that my son would soon enough spend a year in Ramadi, hunting from the fresh air chair of a Humvee.

There is no way we can adequately express our appreciation to the men and women from our cities, towns and country roads, that have given their lives to protect us and to preserve our freedom. All we have or will ever have we owe to those patriots that have given their lives throughout the centuries to guard this wonderful land in which we live.

May the families of these innocent men and women whose lives have been taken know that we shall never forget their very personal loss.

May we always resist, to the last man, woman, and child..... any individual, nation, or creed that would take freedom from another human being.

I was living in Queenstown, New Zealand at the time..

It was a day none of us will ever forget.

DRSS Chapuis 470NE
I was outside putting in a powder river gate in one of our horse corrals and the wife hollared saying Breakfast was ready...when I got in the house she had a worried look and said an airplane had hit one of the twin towers..I turned the T.V. on to the Fox News and just an instant later I watched as the second plane hit the second tower..I told the wife we are under attack and at war..I immediatley went downstairs and strapped on my Military issued shoulder holster for my .45 and didn't take it off for 3 days.
I was at work in the sawmill and heard it on the radio in the filing room. I was stuck in there with my partner who is from Poland and speaks hardly any english. I was trying to tell him what was happening, drawing pictures of airlpanes crashing into buildings, etc. He had this dumb look on his face like "WTF is the matter with you?" I wanted to choke him to death by quitting time.


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
i was in sydney australia at the time in a very densely populated muslim suburb.

they were cheering in the streets. banging pans together setting off fireworks. they thought it was the start of a "holy war" they were gathering at the mosques by the thousands some streets had to be shut down.

it made me sick. being a Christian and a "yank" was not a good combination to be at that time. Me and my buddy were chased down the street by a bunch of muslim guys one with a bat we had to run into a catholic church and wait till they left. needless to say we moved from that area as soon as we could.

don't think i'll ever forget how i felt watching people cheer as so many people were needlessly killed.

I was in my office on the 16th floor overlooking the Red River in Shreveport, LA and Barksdale Air Force Base. When the report of the first plane came over the Radio I went next door to watch the TV and the other plane hit the second tower. Later as my friend and I were watching the TV I saw a Fighter fly by and I turned and told my friend "The President is coming!" Sure enough, here came that big White plane, made the hair on your neck stand on end. You knew something had happened that nobody could have believed would happen and here is the President.
I think the one thing I will never forget was how sureal the world felt with no planes in the air and how strange it was to finally see one later in the week. It was like seeing a space ship. God Bless All who choose to Remember. John
My wife and I and our second son woke up in the hospital, my wife had just given birth to our second son the night before on the 10th. I wanted to get the baby and her home asap, I wasn't sure what the heck was going on. Then again, I'm always cautious with whatever I do. Some people have been known to call me anal.................... Can I say that on here? If not I apologize.

I was just pulling in to work at the Utah Olympic Park when I heard it on the radio. I hurriedly called SLOC security to ask if we had any orders to increase security at the olympic venues. The guy thought I was crazy...I told him to turn on the frickin' TV. Spent the rest of the day wondering how many more targets were out there.

Then we went to work like the rest of the country...wish we could come together like that again...without the event to precipitate it...

Good thread, I missed it hunting elk.


Then as now, I was hunting and got the info late.

Every year since, I have been apprehensive as to what the news would bring when I got home.

The "carpet pilots" celebrating that event, in this country, still sets me on fire!

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