Where were you?


Long Time Member
July 20, 1969. The day astronauts first landed on the moon

I know for many of you sprouts you were little more than a gleam in your daddies eye but for those of us who actually remember... do you?

I remember. I was just a kid and my brother and I were out irrigating. We didn't have radios in any of the pickups we drove but we did have a little 9 volt "transistor radio" (most probably don't even remember those). I can recall actually stopping what we were doing at the time to listen to the narrative on the radio as it happened. Then we hauled butt home to watch on TV as soon as we got a break.

Then of course there are those who feel the entire thing was staged and we never landed on the moon.

I was 10 years old and remember it well. We shot fireworks off the back porch (The good kind: obtained in Wyoming just 35 mile north and technically illegal in Colorado) in celebration. That's from a kids perspective, I know that Viet Nam was going on but dang it felt good to be American.

Easy answer.

I was sitting in the shade of a revetment....(that's a wall that seperated airplanes from each other, so they won't all blow up together) in Da Nang, Viet Nam, Republic of.

I was getting ready to preflight for our 3rd flight out to a carrier in the Tonkin Gulf, when some Jarhead came by and told us we had just landed on the moon......we pretty much thought he said HE had just landed FROM the moon.....made about as much sense.
Seems only yesterday, i was 15 that summer and we had been working down by the polly wog trough, replacing a old corrugated culvert that had been pluggeg and washed out with a newer, bigger unit. I was taking lessons from my Grandpa's Brother, Uncle Joe, on how to catch flies. I'd long ago mastered the technique of sweeping my hand across the table to scoop up a unsuspecting fly but now i was in graduate school, learning to catch them by their wings only. It took extreme quickness and deft aim but i learned a valuable lesson that day;

Just because you think you can't do something, don't bet money with someone else older than you, that they can't do it either.

We heard it all on the Radio!

I remember VERY well; I was 18. I was spin fishing on Riley Creek (Hagerman, Idaho) and caught 211 trout (12" up to 18") by 1 PM. It was a GREAT day.

When I got home, they showed all the "events" on TV.....for HOURS.

Within the shadows, go quietly.
From the older than dirt guy.....

I remember it like yesterday.

My wife, three kids -- all under 10 -- and I were watching a B&W 13" TV in a cabin while we were on vacation at Vallecito Lake in Colo. Later that day, I landed a nice northern pike -- a 12-pounder -- on a red/white Lucky 13 surface plug.


How To Hunt Coues Deer
>From the older than dirt guy.....
>I remember it like yesterday.
>My wife, three kids -- all
>under 10 -- and I
>were watching a B&W 13"
>TV in a cabin while
>we were on vacation at
>Vallecito Lake in Colo. Later
>that day, I landed a
>nice northern pike -- a
>12-pounder -- on a red/white
>Lucky 13 surface plug.

Wow, Tony, you watched it on a TV on vacation? We never went on a vacation but we watched it in B & W on about 20 incher.

Oh and...I can't resist. Your wife was under 10? :)

Thanks for the stories guys, keep 'em coming.
As taken from "This Day in Sports History"

"7/20/1969 - The Moon Landing and Gaylord Perry

In 1962 (or 1964 depending on how it's told), rookie Giants pitcher Gaylord Perry was taking batting practice when Harry Jupiter of the San Francisco Chronicle approached his manager, Alvin Dark. Noting that Perry was making good contact, Jupiter said told Dark, "This Perry kid's going to hit some home runs for you." Dark turned to him and, according to Perry, replied, "There'll be a man on the moon before Gaylord Perry hits a home run."

Seven years later, Gaylord Perry had not hit a single home run after more than 400 at-bats. On July 20, 1969, Perry was in Candlestick Park when it was announced that Apollo 11 had landed safely on the moon. Less than one hour later, Perry slammed a Clause Osteene pitch to the fences for a home run"

LAST EDITED ON Jul-20-09 AT 04:12PM (MST)[p]I was on a 7 day vacation from Vietnam and was in Hong Kong. The girls there did not believe it said it was all an American Hoax.
I convinced one that it was real......but it took 7 days to so.
Her name was Connie Chan.....I asked her if Charlie was her Grandfather....she just looked at me and said "WHO"!

Does Mrs. Kilo know about this Connie? Or is Connie Chan perhaps now Connie Kilo? Just curious. :)

Stacking bales we had a pickup truck pulling the wagon we was listening a to a ball game when the news broke about landing on the moon. Looking up at it that night was just a tad bit different and thinking some-one was now on that big hulk of cheese.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
I was working as a busboy at the local Sizzler Steak House. They had a small black and white TV in the office, so we got to see it.

I was working there in the summer and going to college. I made $1.55/hr. I was paying $65 a month rent.

I happened to have this very card in my wallet at the time. Remember the draft card?


In October, I got a notice to take my physical. I passed that, and soon got my induction notice. I had two weeks to get my affairs in order. About two days later President Johnson announced he was eliminating the draft for November and December that year. So I got a notice that said "Do not report at this time."

They went to the lottery in January, and I drew high numbers from then until the war was over.
I remember those little cards well Eel.. I still have mine also and like yourself I drew a high number in the draft lottery...
It was 350 something...

I was just a dirty thought back then....

My great grandpa was convinced it was a hoax and that there were out in the Mojave desert...


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
I was just over a year old. I don't remember the landing. But we did have a B/W TV.


I know that I was glued to the TV watching what was going on, it was pretty exciting. In between the landing and walk I worked out for high school football with a buddy.
Then 5 years later I was married to my high school sweetheart on July 20, 1974....yesterday we celebrated 35 great years.

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