Where to Sell Taxidermy?


Long Time Member
A friend of mine has dozens of mounts he needs to sell, no place to store them any more. He has everything from hippos to lions, full body sheep and brown bears, leopard, deer, elk. Pretty much everything but a rhino.

Any ideas on how I can help him sell them. I can't find a clearinghouse or anything online.

Thanks guys. He would also be willing to donate it if you know of an institution that could benefit.

Why would someone want to sell a bunch of mounts? And some from over seas? Sounds fishy to me. No harm ment just don't sound right.

("For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. Ephesians 2:8-9")
Yes, Cabelas does buy, you barely get the taxidermy fee, and you can donate to a public museum and take a tax right off for the cost of mounting. There is new Cabelas going in, in Billings, I have already sold three heads to them.

And to answer why one would sell mounts, you only have room for so many, you have newer ones and want to rotate out some of the older ones, and sooner of later you will outgrow the habit!
Also check with SCI for their Sensory Safari program. They really go out of their way to provide educational experiences for kids and programs like museums.

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