Where is Young Johnny?


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Jul-08-10 AT 09:07PM (MST)[p]Do you guys remember about 6-9 months ago a poster here on MM named Young Johnny or something like that. He had a step Dad that was mean to him and he was a very naive kid. Do you guys remember him? I always thought it was a make believe poster because his posts were so strange. Remember him?


Edit- I remember him being from Utah.

RE: Where is Bobbieutah?

That's the one....was he or is he a alter ego of a regular here on MM or was he for real? Bobbieutah? Are you out there? Just wondering how things are going...

RE: Where is Bobbieutah?

I think he found out that his dad in law was not as pleased as he had hoped about the new Christmas pj's hot got him...and he abandoned us :-(

RE: Where is Bobbieutah?

I'm a thinkin the Jammies for Christmas mighta done it?

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
RE: Where is Bobbieutah?

Remember the Martha Stewart cutting board?
Bet Kolby's still payin for that one,LMAO!

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
RE: Where is Bobbieutah?

Dude was asking us about joining the military so he could be in bootcamp??

Dude was thinking about getting his gf pregn...I mean moving in with his gf...maybe he got her...uh you get the point :)

RE: Where is Bobbieutah?

Ahhhhhhhh.....the Christmas pj's!! LMAO!!!!


He could be the beginning of a longstanding sitcom on Fox!
As soon as I saw his signature I had a pretty good idea he was yanking every body's chain...

He signed it: Bobbie Faycer
"he is nice to me but i do not like it when he talks spanish to my girlfriend becasue i do not speak spanish with her very much her english is real good"...classic!

I forgot about that line Wiz...LMAO!! That's the one where my eyes rolled up in my head and I thought to myself "some people's kids!!"

My guess is he's too busy to come on here. He probably married his Spanish girl friend and is working 3 jobs to support her illegal relatives.


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