Where is HighCountryWarden?



Bet He's still lurking on this site?
Thanks to Copper Boy running him off he doesn't post any more?
I'll guarantee you one thing,if he ever pulls RUS over there won't be any warnings!
I think he was asked by the Dept not to post on here. I think I read that somewhere.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Probably out in his helicopter screwing up somebody?s sheep hunt. Perhaps practicing his quick draw. I don't know how many remember this guy but I for one am glad he lives in New Mex.

LAST EDITED ON Jun-08-10 AT 09:41PM (MST)[p]He's a really good guy. I haven't met him personally, but my buddy did on a hunt a few years ago, and the TLW went way out of his way to help my buddy even though he was actually hunting the same hunt himself. We didn't put the pieces together until after the hunt, and then PMed him to find out if that was him, and sure enough he confirmed it; so he wasn't being a nice guy just because we knew who he was. I've since PMed him a couple more times (he's changed his name) to get some info and clarification on some game laws, and he's been really good to answer my questions. FWIW I'm glad he's here in NM, too.

I think it's sometimes difficult in this setting to express ourselves the way we intend, and then those looking to be offended get all butthurt. It's about time you get over it... ;-)
He got a job to do and I for one is glad he out there doing it.
He gave us some Information about a unit and it came in real handy.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".

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