Where do you draw the line?


Very Active Member
Last weekend we were coming back from checking our cameras, we meet a guy walking up the trail with a portable tree stand on his back. After some small talk about hunting we found out we both have limited entry archery Elk for the unit. He asked us where our cameras were located and said he would be respectflul of our location. Today when checking our cards our friend now has a camera and tree stand within a couple of feet of ours. I have pretty much decided what I'm going to do, just wondering if anyone else has been in this situation and how you reacted. In the last 3 weeks we have found wallows with stands/cameras and left them alone out of respect for other hunters.
A couple of years ago I was sitting on the edge of a clearing with my dad and brothers. We had hiked in with headlamps and arrived well before first light. We could hear elk chirping in the aspens and knew that they would filter out into this clearing. The sun crested the ridge line and it went quiet. A couple of minutes later 2 atv's came up an old, clearly marked no atv trail. They parked 150 yards directly in front of us got out there binoculars and were pointing and looking at us. One clown didn't have bino's and raised his rifle in our direction. We were all very upset. We got up and moved on. The elk did the same. Some people have no respect for others. Good luck.
Bad deal, you would expect people to have respect. But that is the joy of public land. I say keep the bar high, Karma will pay big dividends in the end.
Good luck.

I'll tell you who it was . . . it was that D@MN Sasquatch!
"I have pretty much decided what I'm going to do"

***If it's anything other than to move on and forget it, you will be making your second mistake after making the first one when you told the guy where you were hunting. Public land is just that and doing any kind of retaliation would just make matters worse and possibly escalate a situation that was unethical on his part, but not illegal.
Could you send me some Coordinates?

I wanna set a 3rd Tree Stand up & about 20 more Trail-Cams on that Wallow!:D

[font color=red size=redsize=18"face"]SHOW THEM TO ME![/font]
If You Love Your Country,SHOW THEM TO ME!

I've got Wild Honey Tree's and Crazy Little Weeds growin around my Shack!
These Dusty Roads ain't streets of gold but I'm happy right where I'm at!
All these Perty little Western Belles are a Country Boys Dream!
They ain't got Wings or MM Halo's but they sure look good to me!
Topgun, what part of "I have pretty much decided what I am going to do"
Leads you to believe it is unethical? That's not the way I play the game. We have moved on just wondering what everyone's opinion was on the situation.
that is a tough situation. what i would do is beat him to the spot every morning and hunt it like i had planned. just because you put a tree stand up it does not make that part of the mountain solely yours. the same can be said for trail camera's. because you were scouting the area ahead of him stick to your gus and hunt it if you would like. it is a fine line because you first and foremost want to be respectful to other hunters and there is plenty of mountain for all but if you see some bulls you are liking in the area and want to hunt it. just get there earlier than he does if you run in to him again exchange scouting stories with each other
Are you sure it is the same guy? if so ...

mistake 1... telling him where you are hunting.
mistake 2 .... telling him where you are hunting.
mistake 3.... telling him where you are hunting.
mistake 4.... re-read steps 1-3

its public and you cant do anything about it. like stated before get there before him and be on it if there is a bull you want in there. If nothing you want then find a knew spot and shut your mouth and cross your fingers you will be the only man in there.

Option 2 buy private land and hunt it by yourself haha

I dont tell anyone where i hunt. I have spent years finding spots with small pressure and big bucks. I dont dare jepordize that.
Had the same thing happen to me last year. Except they hung there camera in the same tree about 2 inches above mine. It was frustrating because I talked to the guy who did it on my way out from setting up the camera. If I was you I wouldn't worry about it. It just made me get there early and hunt longer than normal. I ended up killing my bull in the same canyon. Good luck
I put my tree stand up last year to reserve my spot for this year. Really, I just could not get to my tree stand because of all the snow we had during the elk hunt. I've never came across a trail cam in the woods. I'd probably just check the card to see what has been lurking in the area and use the camera as a free source of information, this way I wouldn't have to spend a bunch of money on cameras that might get stolen or vandalized.
It's too bad that these things happen BUT THEY DO SO DON'T LET IT RUIN YOUR HUNT.

Move on!

I've been in similar situations and by-in-large the other hunter is just a hard working guy trying to have a good hunt too. Everyone thinks they're right.

Even though it's a LE hunt, there's still lots of pressure on the resource.

Good luck,

PS: there is NO line to be drawn.
"It's too bad that these things happen BUT THEY DO SO DON'T LET IT RUIN YOUR HUNT.

Move on!

I've been in similar situations and by-in-large the other hunter is just a hard working guy trying to have a good hunt too. Everyone thinks they're right.

Even though it's a LE hunt, there's still lots of pressure on the resource.

Good luck,"

The "other guy" is posting his version of the same story on another forum. Interesting.
Just wondering what the other forum is? I would be interested in hearing his side of the story. We all know there are 2 sides to the story and it would be good for me personally and everyone else that has been in this situation to understand his position.
Keep most of your weight on the balls of your feet. Just wider than your shoulders slightly staggered.
Follow through! Aim for the back of his head not the tip of his nose. Repeat as necessary, keep your off hand high, and protect yourself at all times. Move diagonally don't stand flat footed ,move move ,move!
Ok that's right now snap that jab out there, bring it straight back. DONT leave it out there! Snap it back damn it. It should come straight back just as fast as you threw it out there, straight out , straight back now look at what he's doing . See his left elbow come up every time you jab? God damn kid he's giving you his ribs. Jab and give him the right to the body, there you go..

Opps sorry guys thought my dad was answering this post. Love it when he gets in my head like that.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-10-12 AT 10:52AM (MST)[p]I am the other hunter.. I had a chance to speak with one of the guys helping WapityWilly out. He seemed like a great guy, very accomadating. I guess these things are going to happen on public land. Sounds like we are going to share this wallow, and hopefully both kill some big bulls.
>AT 10:52?AM (MST)

>I am the other hunter.. I
>had a chance to speak
>with one of the guys
>helping WapityWilly out. He
>seemed like a great guy,
>very accomadating. I guess
>these things are going to
>happen on public land.
>Sounds like we are going
>to share this wallow, and
>hopefully both kill some big

If his story is completely honest and correct, I would be extremely irritated as well.
I think there is a lesson to be learned here. we have two hunters that want to do the right thing. I think it take some huge huevos to reach out to someone you don't know to solve this. We have made the best out of the situation and everyone is good.. Done deal!
So, if both hunters put a stand there, and both hunters want to camp the night before opening day within a half mile of the stand, and both hunters plan to get up at 1am to get to their stand, who gets the stand?
LAST EDITED ON Jul-10-12 AT 02:52PM (MST)[p]>So, if both hunters put a
>stand there, and both hunters
>want to camp the night
>before opening day within a
>half mile of the stand,
>and both hunters plan to
>get up at 1am to
>get to their stand, who
>gets the stand?

the guy that gets up and goes in at midnight instead of 1:00
It would be nice to have a full explanation of what is now going down after the initial descripiton by WW of what happened and now that everything has been worked out and with just one stand!
Just read through this whole thread and really want to commend both Hunter's involved on working this out. With all the negativity in the world today, even in the hunting community, it's nice to see. I think most of us who have hunted public land for a decent period of time have been put in a position at one time or another in which you have to choose between the high road and the low road. Best to leave the low road for others, and maybe there is middle road for those that can see it.
I still think it's messed up. Broadfork. What gives. Don't give the guy credit for working anything out. He was a DB and the other guy put up with it and he gets credit for working it out? Not cool.
Azdogman, just for clarification who is the douche bag? The guy that first had a camera up? The guy the put the camera up second? The two guys that talked it out and came to an understanding? Hell that's my dream to come bag as a DB!
>WW---I think the azdogman is a
>little lacking in reading comprehension
>after reading his post!

How do you figure?

WW. I think the guy who put up his stuff next to yours after he stated he would respect your space. To me that's not cool.
After reading the other guys story on other forum I retract my statements. Seems this story may not be totally true.

Would still like an explanation from topgun or are u just running your mouth like every other computer tough guy. Lol.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-15-12 AT 02:14PM (MST)[p]You are still obviously lacking in reading comprehension in discussing this thread and that's why WW and I both asked you what in the haydes you mean, LOL! WW told the guy where their camera was and where they were going to hunt. The guy said okay and went on his way. Then when WW went back to his spot the guy had gone ahead and put his equipment right up in the same spot where WW was there first and had told him about. Now we read this post on this thread by the other guy broadfork who pulled the diry trick:
broadfork (83 posts)
Jul-10-12, 10:51 AM (MST)
18. "RE: Where do you draw the line?"
LAST EDITED ON Jul-10-12 AT 10:52 AM (MST)
I am the other hunter.. I had a chance to speak with one of the guys helping WapityWilly out. He seemed like a great guy, very accomadating. I guess these things are going to happen on public land. Sounds like we are going to share this wallow, and hopefully both kill some big bulls.

***Then the thread continued with WW stating they met again and worked something out, which shouldn't have been needed if the second guy (broadfork) had been ethical and stayed away from the spot after being told in the initial conversation where WW was set up. Comprende now and why WW asked you who you considered the DB and why I made my initial statement about your post? If that doesn't help you figure the whole thing out step by step, I don't know what else we can do for you!
>I still think it's messed up.
>Broadfork. What gives. Don't
>give the guy credit for
>working anything out. He was
>a DB and the other
>guy put up with it
>and he gets credit for
>working it out? Not

Let me clarify my thoughts.
I thought it was messed up that WW told him where they were hunting and he still went there and set up. Granted at this time I hadn't read the other guys post on other forum telling his version. I said. "what gives" directed to broadfork.

I then felt that broadfork had moved in on WW spot and was not going to leave. They then "worked something out" which imagined WW not wanting to cause a scene told broadfork they could both hunt it.
I didn't feel broadfork deserved an atta boy for "working it out"

Like I said this was my opinion based on the side of the story I heard.
This reminds me why I hate getting involved in these type threads.

Topgun. If this doesn't clarify my post then I don't know if I can help you ;-). Good day....
LAST EDITED ON Jul-15-12 AT 03:42PM (MST)[p]I didn't even read the other Forum mentioned and don't even know where it's at or what was said. I was strictly going by what was offered here on this thread by WW and then the one post that broadfork posted here that wasn't to my liking when he said it looked like they would be sharing that public land wallow. IMHO it makes him look like a plick and it sounds like you are pretty much in agreement. Your post threw us off because now that you've explained yoursself I can see that you started with a sentence starting out one way and then changed course actually talking about broadfork, rather than to him, so we're cool bud!
I agree its not ethical but we dont own public land and its hard for people to get away from roads on alot of the units so some people feel its ok to put up there stuff on the first good water hole they come too. Ive realized after years of of bow hunting that no matter how many times u check your cameras and not see any sign of people its a sure bet they will be there on the hunt.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-15-12 AT 06:03PM (MST)[p]I received a PM from broadfork explaining his side of the situation and it doesn't match with what the OP stated as fact. Not knowing either one and what the actual facts are, I, and probably everyone else, shouldn't have taken a stance or made any comments. It's just human nature to do what we've done when hearing one side of an argument and from here on I'm going to try and keep my nose out of things like this when I don't know all the facts. I have issued an apology in the PM back to him and do so here and hope both the guys get good bulls off that waterhole.
What little it takes to ammuse a person...

Glad you two worked it out.

BUT, whomever put their stuff on the wallow second should be slapped on principle alone... Learn some public hunting land ethics and find a different place.
"BUT, whomever put their stuff on
the wallow second should be slapped
on principle alone... Learn
some public hunting land ethics
and find a different place."

Putting a camera or a stand over a water hole on public land does not make it your spot or save your spot. Most water holes are no secret. Should I be slapped if I plan on hunting this same water hole a few time during the hunt? Its public land for hells sakes. I'm sure both these hunter have other places than just this one and I would bet they plan on hunting those as well. The only ethical point comes during the hunt when someone is on the water hole on public land hunting and another hunter comes in, that hunter should back out.

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